
Palestinian Rights Committee Bureau Welcomes Historic General Assembly Resolution Calling for End to Israel’s Occupation of Palestine

The following statement was issued today by the Bureau of the General Assembly’s Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People:

The Bureau of the UN Palestinian Rights Committee warmly welcomes today’s General Assembly adoption of a historic resolution to implement the landmark International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion, requested under resolution A/RES/77/247 of 30 December 2022.  Today’s decision by the General Assembly reinforces the international community’s long-standing call for the immediate end of Israel’s unlawful occupation of Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.

The resolution is a call to action, in accordance with international law and the permanent responsibility of the United Nations vis-à-vis the question of Palestine until it is justly resolved in all its aspects, aimed at bringing an end to this illegal situation and ensuring justice and the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.  It unequivocally reaffirms that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful” and calls for “the end of Israel’s occupation within 12 months from the adoption of this resolution”.

By an overwhelming majority vote of 124 to 14 with 43 abstaining, the UN Member States firmly endorsed the determinations made by the International Court of Justice in its Advisory Opinion and demanded that Israel cease all its grave breaches, comply with its international legal obligations, and make reparations for the harm done by its occupation.  The international community cannot stand by as Israel continues to flagrantly violate international law and the rights of the Palestinian people; it must act forthwith to uphold the rule of law.

The Committee Bureau urges all Member States and international organizations to uphold their obligations and responsibilities under this resolution, with a view to ensuring accountability and promoting the path towards peace and justice.  It also calls on all stakeholders to act decisively in implementing the resolution, at the international and national levels, so that accountability and justice prevail for all affected by this prolonged, illegal occupation, and so that a just, lasting and peaceful solution to this historic injustice can finally be realized.

For information media. Not an official record.