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Women’s Participation in Policing Promotes Access to Justice for All, Says Secretary-General, Marking International Day

Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message for the International Day of Police Cooperation, observed on 7 September:

On this inaugural International Day of Police Cooperation, I wish to commend law enforcement from around the world for their dedication to peace, security and justice.

By sharing best practices, intelligence and resources, police forces enhance our collective ability to confront crime, ensure safety and prevent conflict.

The principles that underpin police cooperation — accountability, transparency and respect for diversity — are essential to renewing a social contract anchored in human rights.  Community-oriented policing that emphasizes outreach and local solutions helps to build trust and improve safety.

Today, we also highlight the invaluable impacts of women in policing.  Women’s participation promotes access to justice for all, including for victims of gender-based violence, who may be more likely to seek help from women officers.

Police must reflect the diverse societies they serve.  The United Nations supports Member States in ensuring that women are equally represented in all functions, including as leaders, of the police workforce.

Together, let us promote cooperation, foster gender equality and build a safer future for everyone.

For information media. Not an official record.