In progress at UNHQ


On Eve of New General Assembly Session, Secretary-General Calls for Unity, to Defeat COVID-19, Build More Equal, Peaceful World

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message for the Church of the Holy Family service on the evening before the seventy-fifth United Nations General Assembly session commences, in New York today:

I am honoured to address this annual prayer service.  I thank the Holy Family Church for its unwavering support of the United Nations and our Charter’s commitment to “practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours”.

Every year, on the eve of the opening of the United Nations General Assembly, this event represents a moment of unity and solidarity.  It celebrates the diversity of the human family.

This year, our family is facing an unprecedented situation.  The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives, livelihoods and caused terrible suffering.  It has exacerbated inequalities within and among countries and it is reversing hard-won progress on poverty eradication, food security and other Sustainable Development Goals.  It has also caused the closing of places of worship and upset what is deeply engrained in our human nature:  our shared impulse to gather and face hard times together.  No region or country has been spared, and the socioeconomic impacts will be felt for many years to come.

This crisis also highlights both the interdependency and the fragility of our world.  It shows that no one can do it alone.  It reminds us why international cooperation is essential.  Our common family is at a crossroads.  We will only succeed through unity and leadership and solidarity.  So, today, I wish to send a message of profound hope.  Let us appeal to all leaders to join forces.

Together, let us pray to build on our collective strength and not only defeat the COVID-19 pandemic, but build a more equal, more just, peaceful and sustainable world.  Thank you.

For information media. Not an official record.