In progress at UNHQ


Telling World Youth Forum ‘You Are Critical Agents of Change’, Secretary-General Urges Them to Keep Pushing for Human Rights, Climate Crisis Solutions

Following is the text of UN Secretary‑General António Guterres’ video message for the World Youth Forum, held in Sharm El‑Sheikh, Egypt, from 14 to 17 December:

I am pleased to greet the World Youth Forum.  Young people are critical agents of change, driving transformation worldwide.

But too many young people face barriers that prevent them from reaching their full potential.  This is unacceptable.

The United Nations Youth 2030 Strategy recognizes that we cannot achieve the Sustainable Development Goals without meaningful participation from young people.

I encourage you to keep pushing:  to overcome poverty and gender inequality; to prevent armed conflict and end corruption; to fight hatred and uphold human rights; and I ask you to keep leading the pressure needed to address the climate emergency.

Next year is the seventy‑fifth anniversary of the United Nations.  To mark the occasion, we are launching a global conversation — and the United Nations needs your ideas.  Please join the discussion and help us build a better world for all.  Thank you.

For information media. Not an official record.