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United Nations Department of Global Communications Approves 14 Civil Society Organizations for Association

The Department of Global Communications Civil Society Association Committee today associated 14 civil society organizations with the United Nations Department of Global Communications.  This brings the number of civil society organizations working with the Department in the area of communications and outreach to 1,533.

Civil society organizations are important partners in disseminating information about the work of the Organization to the world.  In a message to the United Nations Civil Society Conference held from 24 to 26 August 2019 in Salt Lake City, Utah, the Secretary‑General indicated that, “the United Nations and I look to you [civil society] for ideas and solutions, and we will also continue to stress the vital role of civil society in solving all global challenges, specially at a time when civic space is shrinking worldwide and intolerance is on the rise”.

In associating with the Department of Global Communications to inform the world about the work of the Organization and in amplifying the reach of the Department’s information products and material to their members and own audiences and the public at large... “Relevant UN organizations should develop strategic cooperation with their civil society partners,” said Secretary‑General António Guterres in his vision statement before his election.

The Director of the Outreach Division, Maher Nasser, welcomed the new groups hailing from, Canada, Colombia, India, Mexico and the United States, noting “…Civil Society is a key ally and partner in the advocacy efforts of the United Nations through outreach and engagement using digital platforms and social media channels and languages to reach out to communities around the world.”

The following organizations, working on issues such as education, environmental protection, cultural awareness, social inclusion and youth empowerment, among others, were associated with the Department of Global Communications:

  1. 28.Jun (Canada)
  2. American Medical Women's International Association (United States)
  3. Association of Professional Social Workers and Development Practitioners (India)
  4. Asociación de Primeras Damas de Colombia (Colombia)
  5. Cancer Aid Society (India)
  6. Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research and Education (United States)
  7. Global Emergency Response and Assistance (GERA) (United States)
  8. IVolunteer (United States)
  9. Journalists and Writers Foundation (United States)
  10. Muhammad Ali Center (United States)
  11. Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos y Hermanas Internacional (Mexico)
  12. We, The World (United States)
  13. World Human Accountability Organization (United States)
  14. Worldwide Breast Cancer Association Profile (United States)

About Department of Global Communications Civil Society Association

The Department of Global Communications works with diverse civil society organizations ranging from small groups to subsidiaries of large networks and academic institutions around the world.  Organizations are required to meet certain minimum requirements before they are associated with the Department.

In addition to their main activities, associated organizations are expected to use their communications assets to disseminate information received from the Department about the work of the United Nations and issues on its agenda to their members and audiences.  Department of Global Communications‑associated organizations are expected to join the global effort to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, promote and defend human rights, and promote peace and security.  They also have the opportunity to network with other organizations and to share information about their activities during the thematic briefings, capacity‑building sessions and the United Nations Civil Society Conference.

Civil society organizations accepted for association with Department of Global Communications receive six grounds passes (two of which are designated for youth representatives aged 18 to 32) to facilitate access to United Nations officials, meetings, events and informational sessions at Headquarters in New York.  Youth engagement has been an important dimension of the Civil Society Unit outreach activities in recent years.  In addition to leading briefings on issues related to the work of the organization, youth have taken on planning and speaking roles at the United Nations Civil Society Conference.  At the 2019 Conference, held in Salt Lake City, Utah, a record number of youth participated, accounting for over one-third of participants.

Organizations that successfully meet the criteria for association with the Department are also eligible to propose and lead civil society briefings organized by the Department.  A dedicated Civil Society Resource Centre with materials and information on the Organization’s work is located in the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Building at 801 UN Plaza, 2nd Floor, New York.

For further information, please visit or e-mail:

For information on how to apply for association, please visit

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For information media. Not an official record.