In progress at UNHQ


Secretary-General Urges Unity, Global Solidarity, Compassionate Leadership for All People, at Farewell Tribute Concert

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at a concert by the New York Philharmonic, in New York today:

I am deeply grateful to the New York Philharmonic, its Music Director Alan Gilbert, the President of the New York Philharmonic, Matthew VanBesien, featured soloist Anthony McGill, and all the performers today.

I would also like to pay special tribute to Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson.  He has stood by me for the past almost five years.  I have benefitted from his counsel, his compassion and his humour.  And today, I am also the beneficiary of Jan’s close friendship with Alan Gilbert, which made this wonderful event possible.  Thank you, Jan, and thank you, Alan.  Thank you very much.

I know that in the history of the United Nations, the New York Philharmonic has visited the United Nations nine times in the past, but this is the first time to pay tribute to an outgoing Secretary-General and welcoming a new Secretary-General […] and I thank you for this opportunity.

I would like to also take this opportunity once again to warmly welcome and strongly encourage my successor, Secretary-General-designate António Guterres.  Mr. Guterres is an excellent choice to lead the United Nations in the coming years.  He is experienced and able and understands the need to focus on the needs and aspirations of all the people around the world, especially the most vulnerable group of people.

We live in a time of great insecurity and uncertainty.  But, it is also a time of unprecedented opportunity.  The Sustainable Development Goals offer a blueprint for peace, prosperity, dignity and opportunity for all the people and a healthy planet for us all to live on.  But, we can only achieve these goals if we work together as United Nations.  I wish Secretary-General Guterres every success in his future challenges.

I have seen that, when the United Nations is united, we have become the strongest.  That’s why I am asking Member States to unite, to show their global solidarity and compassionate leadership for all the people around the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, it has been an extraordinary honour to serve this great organization, the United Nations, as the eighth Secretary-General.  I have been exposed to indescribable suffering, which has left me shocked and sometimes despairing and heartbroken.

But, I have also seen the best of humanity — courage, resilience and compassion, and creativity and global solidarity.  These things give me hope for the future.  I have also been inspired by the many thousands of dedicated and committed UN staff who I have been privileged to work with.  I want to thank you all for your hard work and sacrifice.  I thank you for supporting me and our indispensable Organization.

While I am leaving this great Organization, for whom and for which I have been working for 10 years, my heart will never leave the United Nations.  I will always be living with the United Nations, the ideals and goals of the United Nations, peace and security, sustainable development and human dignity for all.  Thank you very much for your support.  Thank you very much.

For information media. Not an official record.