In progress at UNHQ


Deeply Concerned about Post-Election Crisis in Gabon, Secretary-General Supports Call for Transparent Verification of Voting Results

The following statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was issued today:

I am deeply concerned and saddened about the crisis in Gabon provoked by the electoral situation, in particular the arson attacks and disproportionate response of security agencies that has led to unfortunate loss of life and property.  I understand the frustration of the Gabonese people, and especially the youth, who aspire to better living conditions and democratic reforms.  The new Government will have to take into account this message and the United Nations will be there to support these efforts.

It is essential that all political actors and the people of Gabon exercise restraint and overcome their differences by peaceful means in the interest of national unity.  I call on the Government to immediately restore communications, especially the Internet, SMS and independent radio and television.

I also call on the security forces to exercise the utmost restraint and to uphold international standards of human rights.  I urge the authorities to release political detainees immediately and unconditionally.  Those responsible for acts or incitement to violence will be held accountable.

The United Nations supports the call of regional and international observers for a transparent verification of election results.  I call on the responsible institutions to deal swiftly, transparently and fairly with all complaints related to the presidential election.  The Gabonese people deserve a credible electoral process.

For information media. Not an official record.