In progress at UNHQ


Strong, Effective United Nations Crucial for Greater Security, Prosperity, Sustainability, Secretary-General Tells Staff College Workshop

Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the United Nations System Staff College workshop on promoting a culture of change in the United Nations system, held in Turin, Italy, 27-28 June:

Excellencies, dear colleagues,

Welcome to the United Nations System Staff College campus, our common house of knowledge.

“Transforming Our World” is how Member States chose to entitle the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  It is a bold and inspiring plan.   The United Nations needs to be equally bold in supporting Member States as we move from aspiration to action.

We must continue to transform the United Nations.  The United Nations Laboratory for Organizational Change and Knowledge — known as UNLOCK — was created by the Staff College to enhance the capacity of the United Nations system to manage change.

This gathering in Turin brings together change agents from across the United Nations, along with donor-country representatives who believe in innovation.  I look forward to learning about your discussions and your proposals for advancing change at the United Nations.

The world faces multiple crises and many tests.  But, this is also a time of opportunity when we can set the world on a safer, more prosperous and sustainable path.  A strong and effective United Nations is crucial for our common progress.

I thank the Staff College for its efforts.  And I thank all of you for your commitment.

Please accept my best wishes for a successful workshop.

For information media. Not an official record.