In progress at UNHQ


Take Climate Action to ‘Next Level’, Tackle Challenges Together, Secretary-General Tells World Leaders at High-Level Event on Implementing New Development Agendas

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks to the high-level event on the implementation of the climate and development agendas, in New York today:

We have made historic progress today, taking the next step to move from the aspirations of COP21 [twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change] to action on the ground.  The Paris Agreement provides the policy certainty and clear direction requested by the private sector, civil society and local leaders.

Now we must take climate action to the next level.  By acting on climate, we advance the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda [for Sustainable Development].

National, state and provincial governments, cities, the private sector, investors and the public at large — all are crucial to tackling the serious dangers posed by climate change.  Mayors from thousands of cities are reducing emissions and bolstering their efforts for disaster risk reduction.

Civil society is mobilizing as never before.  Companies are inventing green technologies and scaling up use of renewable energy.  Investors are starting to shift capital away from fossil-fuel investments.

We need their support.  Far more than $100 billion — indeed, trillions of dollars — is needed to realize a global, clean-energy economy.  Sustainable energy sources must be rapidly scaled up to meet the pent-up demand for modern energy in the developing world.  My “Sustainable Energy for All” initiative is working with many of you to do just this.

Delivering on the Paris Agreement requires countries to implement their national climate plans and to increase their ambitions over time.  I assure you the United Nations will do its utmost to support Member States to meet these goals.

In Lima and Paris, the Action Agenda highlighted the role of climate partnerships in accelerating actions.  This afternoon will focus on accelerating action and partnership in three action areas:  to stay well below a temperature rise of 2°C; to energize implementation; and to pursue climate-proof development.

South-South cooperation is crucial across the board.  Last night, my office, together with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, launched the Southern Climate Partnership Incubator.  It will accelerate efforts to create and finance climate partnerships among developing countries in support of Sustainable Development Goals.

This Incubator will focus on renewable energy, smart cities, big data and climate resilience.  I encourage you to learn more and participate.

Today is about learning from each other so we can be more effective, avoid duplication and quickly increase the speed, scale and scope of climate partnerships.  I encourage each of you to be frank and constructive.  We have no time to waste and so much to gain in furthering action on climate change.  Thank you for your commitment.

For information media. Not an official record.