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Secretary-General, at Arab Regional Conference, Stresses Important Role of Civil Society in Advancing Sustainable Development Agenda

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the Arab Regional Conference on the Role of Civil Society in Implementing Agenda 2030, as delivered by Sima Bahous, Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Arab States of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in Doha today:

Civil society played a critical role in shaping the new global agenda for sustainable development.  Civil society groups brought the voices of women, men, children and young people, non-government organizations, indigenous peoples, the private sector and the scientific community to the consultation process that led up to the landmark agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September 2015.

I thank everyone involved for your engagement and commitment.

As the international community rolls out the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we will continue to rely on civil society as a steadfast partner, through Regional Sustainable Development Forums and other platforms for multi-stakeholder dialogue.

A central promise of Agenda 2030 is to “leave no one behind”.  This promise can only be fulfilled through the broadest partnerships between the international community, Governments and civil society.

The adaptation and integration of the SDGs in national development plans will be an enormous undertaking for Member States.  Civil society can help to serve as a vehicle for incorporating peoples’ voices and raising public awareness of national commitments, enhancing the process and making it more meaningful for the people we serve.

Civil society also has an active role to play in development planning, implementation, and monitoring progress on the 2030 Agenda.

The United Nations system will provide coherent and integrated support to Member States’ efforts to achieve the SDGs.  Our regional commission, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), all our funds and programmes, and the whole United Nations development system are working in partnership with national Governments and regional organizations including the League of Arab States.

The Middle East region faces significant interrelated and multifaceted challenges, from conflict and the occupation of Palestinian territories to inequality and desertification.  Concerted and coordinated action will be the key to our success.

Thank you and I wish you an interesting and fruitful conference.

For information media. Not an official record.