In progress at UNHQ


Addressing Winter Youth Assembly, Secretary-General Tells Participants Their Engagement in Every Aspect of Life Vital for ‘Our Sustainable Future’

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by David Nabarro, Special Adviser on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to the 2016 Winter Youth Assembly at the United Nations, in New York today:

I am pleased to welcome you to the United Nations for the 2016 Winter Youth Assembly.

You meet at a critical time for your future.  Last September, Member States adopted an inspiring new sustainable development agenda, with ambitious goals endorsed by all.  In December, Governments adopted the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.  Now, we must harness this energy and build on the momentum.

I count on young people to hold their leaders accountable for the promises they have made.  I also count on your engagement as we embark on implementing our global, universal sustainable development agenda.

Our objectives are ambitious but simple:  a life of dignity, security and opportunity for all.  The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are a tapestry of priorities for collective action for people, planet, prosperity, partnership and peace.  This is a universal agenda that applies to all countries.  It is integrated and indivisible.

Ever since I became Secretary-General, I have been urging leaders to listen to youth — and to invest in your future.  Next month, we will launch the 2015 UN World Youth Report.  Its focus is youth civic engagement.  It provides a platform for discussing how young people, Governments, policymakers and civil society can work together to promote sustainable development.  I encourage you to use the report in your work to implement the 2030 Agenda.

From employment to peacebuilding, from volunteering to electoral participation, from digital activism to sport, your engagement in every aspect of life is essential for our sustainable future.

The task ahead is great, but if we work together we can bring about real and lasting change.

Soon, my Envoy on Youth will convene a Global Youth Partnership for the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals].  It will include a “Youth Gateway” to engage more young people in realizing the Goals.  Once launched, I invite you all to participate.  I encourage all of you to put forward ideas and propose initiatives so that together we can turn the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into a reality for all people everywhere.

I thank you for participating today, and wish you a successful and enjoyable meeting.

For information media. Not an official record.