In progress at UNHQ

Seventieth Session,
29th Meeting (AM)

Revised 2016-2017 Budget of United Nations Monitoring Mechanism for Syria Presented to Fifth Committee

The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) was presented today with the revised 2016-2017 budgetary estimates for the United Nations Monitoring Mechanism for Syria, whose mandate was recently extended for one year.

Established by Security Council resolution 2165 on 14 July 2014 to monitor cross-border humanitarian operations of the United Nations and partner agencies delivering aid in Syria, the Mechanism’s mandate was extended on 22 December 2015 until 10 January 2017.

Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas, Assistant Secretary-General and Controller, introduced the Secretary-General’s report (document A/70/726 and A/70/726/Corr.1) on the subject, saying an additional $4.32 million (net of staff assessment) would be needed for the Mechanism, plus $341,300 for staff assessment, to pay for salaries and common staff costs for 43 temporary posts until 10 January of next year.  The extra requirement would bring the total 2016-2017 budget for the Mechanism to $34.73 million. 

She noted that because the decision came one day before the conclusion of the Committee’s agenda item on the 2016-2017 proposed programme budget, no resources were included in the initial overall budget appropriation. 

Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Chair of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ), introduced that body’s related report (document A/70/7/Add.46) and recommended the General Assembly approve the additional resources requested by the Secretary-General.  He noted the net reduction of 14 positions compared to the previous staff complement of 57 positions.  Further, he stated that the second yearly renew of the Mechanism could have been anticipated earlier, so as to avoid a piecemeal approach to the budget process.

For information media. Not an official record.