In progress at UNHQ


Concerned at Post-Election Political Uncertainty in Haiti, Secretary-General Urges Intensified Dialogue to Ensure Time-Bound Power Transfer

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General is concerned over the growing political uncertainty in Haiti, following the publication of the results of the 25 October elections.

He takes note of the efforts undertaken so far by all stakeholders, including the establishment of an electoral evaluation commission on 16 December, to address the concerns of opposition parties and ensure the successful and timely conclusion of the presidential elections.

The Secretary-General calls for the urgent intensification of dialogue to ensure the transfer of power through elections, within the constitutional timeframe, maintain stability and preserve the country’s democratic gains.  He urges the two candidates in the presidential run-off to engage in good faith with the relevant institutions to identify and implement measures to help the process move forward.

The Secretary-General stresses the responsibility of all political actors to discourage violence and encourage a spirit of unity throughout the country.

The Secretary-General reaffirms the commitment of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and the whole United Nations family to continue supporting the Haitian people in the fulfilment of their democratic aspirations.

For information media. Not an official record.