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Amid Terrorism, Extremism Threats, Secretary-General Says Istanbul Process Shows Regional Recognition of Shared Challenges to Ensure Afghanistan’s Stable Future

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, delivered by Nicholas Haysom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, to the fifth Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process, in Islamabad today:

I am pleased to extend my greetings to the fifth Ministerial Conference of the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process.  I thank the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for hosting.

Afghanistan has undergone a significant transition since the last Conference in Beijing.  I commend President Ashraf Ghani, the National Unity Government and all the regional partners for their commitment to a more stable, sustainable and prosperous future for Afghanistan and its neighbors.

The region continues to face the threat of domestic and transnational violent extremism and terrorism, as well as the need to meet people’s expectations for more security, increased economic opportunity, improved governance and respect for the rule of law and sustainable economic growth.

The Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process demonstrates a collective recognition that security, economic and political challenges in the region are shared and must be addressed together.  Security challenges continue to dominate.  The Afghan Government’s fight against transnational extremism, terrorism and crime has implications for the entire region.  Success depends on regional cooperation, collaboration and a common commitment.

Afghanistan is also facing profound economic challenges.  I commend the Afghan Government for putting into place the building blocks for long-term economic improvement, including through strengthening and consolidating cooperation with regional partners.  Harnessing the tremendous potential of the Heart of Asia countries through regional economic cooperation will be the foundation for future prosperity and stability.

Regional economic integration, based in infrastructure connectivity, as well as trade cooperation, requires both hardware — the physical infrastructure development — and also software — the harmonization of trade and customs.  The Heart of Asia-Istanbul process is well positioned and structured through its confidence-building platforms to practically promote both.

I welcome the continued progress across the six confidence-building measures since the last meeting.  As you move forward, the United Nations is proud to remain your strong partner.

I encourage all Heart of Asia nations to reaffirm their commitment to the Istanbul Process and I recommit the full support of the United Nations.  Please accept my best wishes for a successful meeting.

For information media. Not an official record.