In progress at UNHQ


At Ministerial Meeting of Organization for Security and Co‑operation in Europe, Secretary-General Urges Closer Collaboration in Tackling Transborder Threats

(Delayed for technical reasons.)

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, as delivered by Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, to the twenty-second Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), in Belgrade on 3 December:

I am pleased to convey my greetings to the twenty-second Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.  I thank the Serbian Government for hosting this meeting and for its leadership as OSCE Chairmanship-in-Office in 2015.

Today’s wide array of complex challenges compel us work ever closer to address threats that transcend borders.  Our growing cooperation — from the South Caucasus to Georgia to the Western Balkans — is essential to respond to rapid change around us.

In Ukraine, the vital role of the OSCE and its missions has helped advance a possible return to peace and security.  Together, let us continue to work for a peaceful solution that ensures the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, as well as the entire country’s political, economic and social development.

The OSCE’s comprehensive approach to human security reflects the understanding that multi-faceted phenomena, such as migration and forced displacement, require a response that integrates political, economic, development and security considerations.  Above all, our efforts must be based on upholding human dignity and sharing responsibility.

Refuge must be provided to those fleeing persecution.  Criminal smuggling networks must be brought to justice.  The rights of migrants and refugees must be respected.  And the root causes — ranging from conflict to persecution to marginalisation — must be addressed sustainably.

The same holds for our response to violent extremism and terrorism.  In addition to effective counter-terrorism measures, we must focus greater energy on prevention and addressing the underlying drivers of violent extremism.  We must work to prevent social exclusion, foster dialogue and understanding between cultures and religions, and promote human rights, equality and democracy.

Cooperation, dialogue and consensus-building are inherent in the OSCE’s membership and working methods.  I urge you to make the most of this unique organization.  The United Nations looks forward to ensuring that our partnership flourishes across all three dimensions of our work:  peace and security, human rights and development.

As we look ahead, I am pleased to extend my warm congratulations to the incoming Chairmanship-in-Office, Germany, and I thank all of you for your leadership and engagement.

For information media. Not an official record.