In progress at UNHQ


Following Deadly Cameroon Attacks, Secretary-General Urges Governments Affected by Boko Haram to Address Root Causes of Insurgency in Holistic Manner

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General condemns the attacks on the city of Dabanga on Saturday, 28 November, and on the city of Waza, on Tuesday, 1 December, both in the far north region of Cameroon, which killed about 15 people and left many others injured.  These are the latest in an appalling series of attacks by Boko Haram elements on the civilian population of the region.

The Secretary-General offers his condolences to the families and loved ones of the deceased, and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured.  He calls on the international community to provide urgent support for humanitarian assistance and early recovery as a way to mitigate the impact on the affected populations.

The Secretary-General encourages the Governments affected by Boko Haram to address the root causes of the insurgency in a holistic and integrated manner.  In this regard, he calls on Economic Community of Central African States and the Economic Community of West African States to hold the planned Summit of Heads of State and Government on countering the Boko Haram threat without further delay.

The Secretary-General reaffirms his solidarity with the people of Cameroon and reiterates the United Nations support for the Government of Cameroon in its fight against terrorism, conducted in full respect of international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law.

For information media. Not an official record.