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Secretary-General, at Launch of Climate Week NYC, Applauds City’s Commitments as Action Needed to ‘Chart a Course’ for Safer, Healthier Future Worldwide

(Delayed in transmission.)

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, as delivered by Janos Pasztor, Assistant Secretary-General for Climate Change, to the media launch of Climate Week NYC, in New York on 21 September:

This seventh Climate Week NYC is [a] testament to the commitment of the leaders of the Climate Group to drive action on climate change.  The city of New York has been a long-time supporter of this event.  More importantly, it has shown bold leadership in pursuing ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and building resilience.  New York’s commitment to reduce emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 is the type of action needed to chart a course towards a safer, healthier and more prosperous future.

This year’s Climate Week comes at a pivotal moment.  This week, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit will adopt 17 new interlinked global goals to eradicate poverty in all its forms, improve human well-being and protect the health of the planet.  There is a specific goal for climate action, but, in fact, addressing climate change is central to the success of nearly all the goals.

That is why it is essential that Governments meeting in Paris in December adopt a universally agreed framework for taking action on climate change.  A meaningful climate agreement in Paris must signal a decisive move toward a low-carbon, clean energy future and support more resilient communities, cities and countries.  It must provide a durable framework that will spur the private sector to make major, long-term investments in green infrastructure and clean energy.  It must be flexible enough to encourage Governments to increase their ambition over time.  It must demonstrate solidarity with the poor and most vulnerable and it must be credible in terms of financing, reporting and monitoring.

Strong leadership will be essential for securing an agreement and implementing it.  I have made climate change a priority since I took office in 2007.  I have worked to engage world leaders on this defining challenge of our time and I will not rest until all Governments join together to cross the finish line in Paris.

Climate Week can help us push for strong leadership at every level:  from cities, CEOs and citizens.  I thank you for supporting climate action and for your commitment to creating a better world for all.

For information media. Not an official record.