Sport Builds Solidarity Worldwide, Says Secretary-General, Urging Youth Forum to Join Forces through United Nations for Sustainable, Peaceful Future
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message, as delivered by Wilfried Lemke, Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, to the MBN Y Forum 2015, in Seoul today:
I am pleased to send greetings to all participants at this MBN Y Forum. You are part of the largest generation of youth in history — more connected than ever before to each other and the issues of our day. As such, you have enormous potential to influence our world by raising your voices for peace and progress.
Young people can speak out as never before. You can reach hands across cultures and communities. I urge you to look around your societies, reject injustice and join in solidarity with others to stop it.
This is especially important in the current era of global test and turmoil. Intensifying inequality, discrimination, conflicts and extremism have added urgency to the work of the United Nations for a better world.
We have three major priorities for this year: to complete the Millennium Development Goals; to agree on transformative and universal actions for sustainable development; and to achieve a new, meaningful, universal climate agreement. I have called on youth to help us attain these objectives by acting as global citizens to drive people-centred and planet-sensitive sustainable development.
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the World Programme of Action for Youth. My Special Envoy on Youth, Ahmad Alhendawi, has been working to carry out its aims and strengthen its effectiveness. We have launched a digital and social engagement campaign called #YouthNow to celebrate achievements so far and achieve even greater progress. I encourage you all to join this valuable campaign.
The United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace, led by my Special Adviser, Wilfried Lemke, has a Youth Leadership Programme, which is promoting athletics as a means to improve lives and communities. Around the world, sports can empower individuals, increase understanding and build solidarity. I hope you will make the most of the potential of sports to foster progress.
I wish you a productive meeting. Let us join forces through the United Nations to create a more sustainable and peaceful future for all.