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Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly Has Essential Role in International Response to Terrorism, Intolerance, Says Secretary-General

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the ninth Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean Plenary Session, in Monaco today:

Je suis heureux de m’adresser à vous à l’occasion de la 9ème Session Plénière de l'Assemblée parlementaire de la Méditerranée.

The recent appalling attacks in Paris, and the presence of thousands of foreign terrorist fighters in Syria and in Iraq, remind us that terrorism remains a constant threat in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean has an essential role to play in the international response, including by harmonizing national legislation based upon the provisions of Security Council resolution 2178 (2014).  Our response must also go beyond military action, and address the underlying social and economic factors that are exploited by terrorists.  Counter-terrorism must be conducted in full observance of human rights; a failure to do so can only reinforce the narrative of terrorist groups.

I am grateful for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean’s active support for peace efforts in the Middle East and for our vital humanitarian operations in Syria.  The crisis in Libya poses a grave danger to the Mediterranean region and beyond, including through illegal weapons flows and increasing pockets of lawlessness and extremism.  We must all do our utmost to help the Libyan people safeguard their democratic transition.

I would also like to enlist your further support in our work against intolerance.  I am deeply troubled by the rise of extremist movements that single out migrants, refugees, minorities and other vulnerable and marginalized groups for discrimination and abuse.  I am appalled by the unscrupulous actions of smugglers who subject so many to the most horrific conditions imaginable.  We need to find a way to live together, in peace, in harmony, in full respect of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The year ahead offers major opportunities to advance sustainable development and tackle climate change, through the adoption of the post-2015 agenda in New York in September and a new climate agreement in Paris this December.  I encourage the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean to help reach a common position among parliamentarians and thereby add vital momentum to our efforts to build a future of shared prosperity and dignity for all.

Permettez-moi de conclure en vous souhaitant de très riches discussions et une excellente session.

For information media. Not an official record.