In progress at UNHQ


Secretary-General, Honouring Fallen Staff, Says Best Memorial Is to Continue Work, ‘Extend Our Open Hand Whenever and Wherever Help Is Needed’

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the memorial for fallen staff, in New York on 8 January:

Welcome to everyone here today and to colleagues who are joining by video and webcast.  Thank you all for being here to pay tribute to United Nations staff who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving the cause of peace, development and human rights.

Today we honour the 100 United Nations personnel who died in the course of their duties between October 2013 and November 2014.  Some were targeted deliberately.  Others were killed while protecting civilians.  Still others perished in accidents or natural disasters.  All died while performing their duties in difficult and dangerous circumstances.

In the past year, United Nations staff members have been killed while they were working in Kabul.  Two colleagues were targeted deliberately after getting off a plane at Galkayo Airport in Somalia.  And a United Nations volunteer from Sudan who was treating Ebola patients in Sierra Leone succumbed to the disease himself.  These are just some of the fallen staff members we remember today.

We are also here to pay tribute to the 102 colleagues from the United Nations family who died in the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti five years ago this month.  The terrible memories of that day are still fresh in all our minds, and in the minds of Haiti’s people.  The gaps left by our fallen staff members can never be filled.  I visited Haiti last July and laid a wreath in memory of our beloved friends and colleagues.

Today, we remember all those who have died and we honour them for their service.  We grieve with their families and friends and we pay tribute to their courage and sacrifice.

Let us pause together for a minute of silence in their memory.  Thank you, please be seated.

Sadly, direct attacks on United Nations personnel are becoming more frequent.  I am appalled by the number of humanitarian workers and peacekeepers who have been deliberately targeted in the past year, while they were trying to help people in crisis.

But the courage of United Nations staff has enabled us to conduct life-saving humanitarian operations in Iraq and Syria, and to respond to political and human rights crises in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Mali and Ukraine.  I have seen many of these missions for myself.  The bravery shown by United Nations staff under fire is an inspiration to all of us, every day.

We are strongly committed to the safety of our staff and we are continually trying to find new ways to improve security and reduce risks.  Better equipment and training are part of the solution.  We count on Member States to support these efforts, to provide the necessary funding, and to ensure that those who target United Nations personnel are brought to justice.

Demand for peacekeeping and humanitarian operations has risen to unprecedented levels and is likely to continue increasing, due to the effects of climate change and competition for resources.  We must be able to provide the growing numbers of staff in the field with the security they need and deserve to do their jobs.

That is the best memorial we can offer to our fallen colleagues:  to continue their work; to expand our operations; and to extend our open hand, whenever and wherever help is needed.  Thank you.

For information media. Not an official record.