In progress at UNHQ


United Nations Calls for Nominations for New Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize

The United Nations is calling for nominations for the 2015 Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize.  The Prize, newly established by the General Assembly through its resolution 68/275 of June 2014, will be presented once every five years as a tribute to the outstanding achievements and contributions of two individuals, one female and one male.

The Prize will be awarded in recognition of service to humanity, in promotion of reconciliation and social cohesion and in community development, guided by the purposes and principles of the United Nations.  Nominations for the 2015 prize will be accepted until 18 May 2015.

Laureates will be selected by a United Nations committee chaired by the President of the General Assembly and composed of representatives of six Member States, including representatives from each of the five regional groups and a representative of the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations, who will serve as an ex officio member.  The United Nations Department of Public Information will serve as the committee’s secretariat.

It is expected that the laureates will be announced in June 2015, with the first prizes awarded at United Nations Headquarters in New York during the commemoration of Nelson Mandela International Day, held on 18 July.

For more information, please visit or e-mail  Details on submission of nominations can be found at  Media contact:  Aaron J. Buckley, United Nations Department of Public Information; tel.: +1 212 963-4632, e-mail:

For information media. Not an official record.