Secretary-General, at Lima Conference, Says All Stakeholders Must Join Forces to Make Climate Change Opportunity for Creating Safer, Healthier Planet
Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the Head of State segment of the twentieth session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in Lima today:
I am honoured to address this important forum.
At the Climate Summit I hosted in September in New York, President [Ollanta] Humala [of Peru] called for “the greatest alliance” the world has ever seen to combat climate change. I highly commend the leadership and vision of President Humala of Peru, and I'm confident that under his visionary leadership, I will be able to leave Lima, after a few days, laying down a firm foundation for a meaningful and global climate change agreement next year in Paris.
I look around and can clearly see efforts to create this alliance taking shape.
The leaders who have joined us in Lima, both yesterday and today, have shown their commitment to progress founded on sustainable development. I thank Their Excellencies — the President of Chile, our distinguished former colleague and leader of UN‑Women, the President of Colombia, again, a strong leader for peace in the region — for their strong solidarity by joining us to show their vision and commitment. And I thank you for all of your strong and generous contributions to the United Nations Fund.
That circle of action must continue to grow. Governments as well as business, finance, civil society, academia and all sectors must join forces. Only by acting together will we transform the climate challenge into an opportunity to fundamentally rethink how we grow our economies and create a safer, healthier and more liveable world.
Last week, I launched my synthesis report on the post-2015 agenda entitled "The Road to Dignity by 2030". I presented it to the members of the General Assembly, and I am encouraged that Member States have shown initiative, very positive responses. I highlighted in my synthesis report that we have the know‑how and the means to provide a life of dignity for all. We can end poverty. Transform our economies. And protect both people and the planet. Poverty eradication and environmental sustainability go hand in hand.
We cannot eliminate poverty and build sustainable economies without strengthening climate resilience and utilizing cleaner, safer sources of energy. At the same time, we cannot fully meet the climate challenge without enhancing prosperity, equity and environmental protection for all.
Here in Lima, I have called for a draft negotiating text that can serve as the foundation for a meaningful, universal climate agreement next year in Paris.
This agreement needs to contribute to placing the world on a pathway that keeps average global temperature rise below 2ºC above the pre-industrial stage — the safety threshold scientists say could prevent climate change from spinning out of control. Many scientists have reaffirmed again we may be stepping on a tipping point, depending upon where you step. If we step toward sustainable development, meeting this challenge of climate change, we still have time to keep this world sustainable for all.
Momentum has been building. It is still growing, as you are witnessing this morning. Yesterday, we crossed the $10 billion initial capitalization goal for the Green Climate Fund. And I again thank you, the Presidents who have expressed their strong support today. Today, you heard additional pledges from developing countries which send a powerful signal to the world.
If we are to put the world on a low-carbon, climate-resilient pathway, we need leadership from all the quarters of the world. Once again, I applaud your efforts to realize the opportunities of a low-carbon, resilient economy: green innovations, new markets, cleaner air, improved public health, a better and more secure world. Working together, we will meet the climate challenge.
I thank you for your leadership and commitment, and let's make Lima, COP 20, a place we write our history and we reaffirm our commitment to make this world better world for all. That is my and the United Nations commitment. I am sure you will join this path, which will bring all of us onto a sustainable path where everybody’s dignity will be respected.