In progress at UNHQ


Commending Burkina Faso Stakeholders on Adopting Charter of Transition, Secretary-General Urges Continued National Dialogue throughout Period

The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary‑General Ban Ki‑moon:

The Secretary‑General congratulates the people of Burkina Faso on the consensual adoption of a Charter of the Transition, which will provide the legal framework for a civilian-led transition culminating in elections in November 2015.  He looks forward to the signing of the Charter, the designation and installation of a civilian transitional President, and the commencement of the work of the transitional organs.

The Secretary‑General commends all Burkinabé stakeholders for their collective engagement and sense of responsibility throughout the national dialogue process.  He reiterates his encouragement to all parties to continue to use dialogue throughout the transition period.

The Secretary‑General also commends the efforts of the joint UN-AU-ECOWAS [United Nations-African Union-Economic Community of West African States] mission, the various high-level delegations, and other regional and international partners, which have provided good offices and support since the onset of the crisis in the country.

For information media. Not an official record.