In progress at UNHQ


New Development Goals Will Require Strong Financing, Secretary-General Says in Video Message to Beijing Forum

Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the eleventh International Finance Forum, in Beijing today:

I am pleased to send greetings to all participants at this eleventh International Finance Forum in Beijing.  I commend your valuable contributions to global policy dialogues.

The United Nations is now addressing devastating conflicts, the Ebola outbreak and other urgent crises.  But we are focusing on the long-range future.  We are aiming to reach the Millennium Development Goals — the largest anti-poverty campaign in history.  We are leading a global dialogue on the future sustainable development agenda.  And we are pressing for a meaningful universal climate agreement — all by next year.

A new set of sustainable development goals will require a strong global financing architecture.  The United Nations stands ready to boost our cooperation with multilateral financial institutions and Governments to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth.

Next year’s third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa will provide an excellent opportunity for collective action.  I trust you will actively engage in this important effort.  I wish you success at this Forum and in our shared campaign for a better future.

For information media. Not an official record.