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Secretary-General, at Asia Society Awards Event, Calls for Leadership and Wisdom to Meet Pressing Challenges

Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, at the Asia Society’s “Game Changer” Awards, in New York today:

I thank my good friend Josette Sheeran for her leadership of the Asia Society since taking the helm last year.  She made remarkable contributions to the United Nations when she was “one of us”, and she will always be a part of the UN family.  It is a pleasure to join you this evening.

You have come together to celebrate an array of remarkable Asians.  I think the world got a head start on tonight’s ceremony with the announcement last week that this year’s Nobel Prize for Peace is shared by two remarkable Asians.

Congratulations again to Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai.  They give hope to people around the world struggling against exploitation, discrimination and violence.  They are also good friends of the United Nations.  Both have brought their calls for empowering children to UN gatherings.  The United Nations will continue to support their vitally important work.

These are difficult times for the human family.  We face multiple crises, from the conflict in Syria to the outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa.  Too many innocent people are dying needlessly.  Extremism is on the rise and tolerance is on the run.

The United Nations continues to respond to global emergencies.  But, we are also keeping our eyes on longer-term opportunities.  The year ahead will be a crucial period for shaping the future sustainable development agenda and taking decisive action on climate change.

Asia has a leadership role to play across this agenda.  Asia is a centre of innovation and economic dynamism.  It is thanks to Asia’s robust economic growth that the world can say it has successfully achieved the Millennium Development Goal of cutting poverty in half.  An Asia on the rise means a world on the rise.

I am proud to be a son of Asia.  But, I am not blind to the region’s problems.  Two thirds of the world’s poor live in Asia.  Hunger, pollution, gender violence and inequality remain widespread.  Too many people are being left behind.

There are also other worrying challenges, including competing territorial or maritime claims, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, backsliding in democratization, the curtailment of human rights and a rise in religious intolerance and ultra-nationalism.

I hope that Asia’s people and Governments will not do anything that would put at risk the region’s hard-won prosperity and stability.  I hope all will pursue democracy, protect human rights and advance development that is centred on people and protects the environment.  All of us, in all regions, must make the wise investments in decent jobs, health, nutrition, education, sustainable energy, which are among the true pillars of peace.

That is what the Asia Society’s “Game Changer” awards are all about.  From e-commerce to the environment, from the arts to academia, from the sciences to social development, we see Asians helping Asians and building a better world.  Jack Ma, the Society's "Game Changer of the Year", is not just an innovative businessperson, but also has a growing profile as a philanthropist and global citizenship.  I look forward to seeing him do even more to support United Nations causes and to turn entrepreneurship into global public goods.  I congratulate all of tonight's award winners for their contributions to advancing human well-being.

The world today faces far more man-made crises than natural calamities.  While we cannot control Mother Nature, we can draw on human wisdom to end violence, poverty and discrimination.  That is our political and moral responsibility before the world’s people.

I count on all of you — the award winners and global citizens here tonight — to show the leadership and wisdom we need at this time of deep and pressing challenge.  The United Nations and I personally are determined to answer the call.

For information media. Not an official record.