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Turning Conflicts, Fragility into Peace, Shared Prosperity Central to Post-2015 Talks, Secretary-General Tells International Development Conference

26 February 2013
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Turning Conflicts, Fragility into Peace, Shared Prosperity Central to Post-2015

Talks, Secretary-General Tells International Development Conference


Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message for the International Conference on Development for All, in Dili on 26 February:

I thank Timor-Leste, the Chair of the g7+, for hosting this gathering.  The United Nations, through our Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, is proud to offer its support.

This Conference is an important part of global consultations to shape the development agenda beyond the year 2015, the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

We know that conflict and insecurity devastate development.  The 1.5 billion people who live in fragile and conflict-affected areas have been largely left behind in our work towards the Millennium Development Goals.

Transforming violent conflicts and fragility into peace, justice and shared prosperity must be a central element of the post-2015 development deliberations.  That requires strengthening legitimate institutions and governance, building capacities for mediation and dialogue, enhancing security and adequate social protection, ensuring justice and jobs.

This is also a message of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States.  These objectives are not only relevant for g7+ or post-conflict countries.  Peace and security, the rule of law, human rights and inclusive political processes are mutually reinforcing goals for all countries.  Meeting these objectives requires renewed international engagement, regional commitment and determined national leadership.

That is why I am happy so many leaders are taking part in this consultation, including Heads of State and Government, as well as our international and regional development partners.  I am particularly pleased with the active participation of Pacific island States at this Conference and at the Pacific island consultation which preceded it yesterday.

I am confident that the partnerships and commitments generated here will help deliver development, peace and security and justice to all.

I thank you for coming together in that spirit, and I wish you every success.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.