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World without Weapons of Mass Destruction Requires Committed Efforts by All, Secretary-General Says in Video Message to Non-proliferation Forum

8 January 2013
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

World without Weapons of Mass Destruction Requires Committed Efforts by All,


Secretary-General Says in Video Message to Non-proliferation Forum


Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message to the Civil Society Forum in Support of Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) in Vienna today, as recorded on his behalf by Angela Kane, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs:

I am pleased to convey my greetings to all those gathered for this first-ever Civil Society Forum to broaden engagement in support of Security Council resolution 1540.  I thank the Government of Austria for its initiative.

With the adoption of resolution 1540, the Security Council established a programme of action to prevent non-State actors from acquiring weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.  The resolution built upon existing measures to prevent the proliferation of such weapons and to create a WMD-free world.

Working together and in close partnership with the United Nations and other international organizations, Member States have joined forces against proliferation to ensure that the objectives of the resolution are translated into concrete results.

But our shared goal of nuclear disarmament and a world free of all weapons of mass destruction will require the committed efforts of us all.  Civil society has contributed significantly to the activities of the United Nations, including in disarmament, human rights, development and many other critical areas.  I have no doubt that the positive impact of civil society will move the world closer to meeting the objectives of resolution 1540 and a world without weapons of mass destruction.

Please be assured of my strong commitment.  I wish you a successful meeting and look forward to working closely with you to achieve our common goals.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.