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Secretary-General, Condemning Rebel Coalition’s Attacks in Central African Republic, Urges All Parties to Abide by Regional Summit’s Decisions

27 December 2012
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, Condemning Rebel Coalition’s Attacks in Central African


Republic, Urges All Parties to Abide by Regional Summit’s Decisions


The following statement was issued on 26 December by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General strongly condemns the armed attacks on several towns in the Central African Republic perpetrated by the coalition of rebel groups “SELEKA”.  These developments gravely undermine the peace agreements in place and the efforts of the international community to consolidate peace in the Central African Republic.  The Secretary-General deeply regrets the loss of life and population displacement caused by the fighting.

The Secretary-General welcomes the conclusions of the Summit of the Heads of State of the Economic Community of the Central African States (ECCAS) held in N’Djamena on 21 December 2012.  He urges all parties to abide by the decisions of the Summit, which provide a basis for a peaceful resolution of the dispute.

The Secretary-General appeals to all parties to refrain from any acts of violence against civilians, including sexual and gender-based violence.  He calls on all parties to ensure the protection of civilians and to respect human rights, in conformity with international instruments to which the Central African Republic is a party.

The Secretary-General reminds the Government of the Central African Republic of its responsibility to ensure the safety and security of United Nations personnel and its premises.

The Secretary-General confirms the readiness of the United Nations to continue to support the Central African Republic in overcoming challenges to the consolidation of peace, in collaboration with regional and international partners.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.