Competitors for Prix Galien Motivated by Will to Do Good beyond Material Success of Their Companies, Secretary-General Says in Message for Ceremony
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Competitors for Prix Galien Motivated by Will to Do Good beyond Material Success
of Their Companies, Secretary-General Says in Message for Ceremony
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message for the Prix Galien International Ceremony, in Lyon, France, 4 October:
Mesdames et messieurs,
Je remercie et salue les éminentes personnalités politiques et économiques présentes ce soir.
Je connais la longue tradition qui se perpétue à Lyon dans les domaines de pointe de la médecine et de la biologie.
L’action solidaire internationale née à Lyon porte des noms qui honorent la notion d’humanisme, d’aide d’urgence mais aussi de soutien à long terme à des populations qui en ont un profond besoin.
The city that hosts this year’s ceremony is the perfect match for the men and women who compete for the Prix Galien — some of the world’s leading members of the medical research, pharmaceutical and biotechnology communities.
I know that your work is motivated by the will to do good more than the material success of your companies. You are helping us to achieve the Millennium Development Goals — our blueprint for eradicating poverty and disease. I urge you to work even more closely with the United Nations as we accelerate our work as the 2015 deadline approaches.
Congratulations to all the prize winners. Thank you again for your innovative and important contributions to the common progress of humankind. Thank you.
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For information media • not an official record