In progress at UNHQ


Commending Integration of Maoist Combatants in Nepal, Secretary-General Urges All Political Parties to Maintain Momentum towards Peace

16 April 2012
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Commending Integration of Maoist Combatants in Nepal, Secretary-General


Urges All Political Parties to Maintain Momentum towards Peace


The following statement was issued on 14 April by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General commends the progress on integration and rehabilitation of Maoist combatants and hopes for a smooth completion of the process.  He acknowledges the role of the political parties, Government and Nepal Army, and Maoist commanders and combatants in the efficient transfer of weapons and security of the cantonments.

The Secretary-General urges all political parties to maintain this momentum and consensus in order to bring the peace process and drafting of the new Constitution that reflects the aspirations of all Nepalese to a successful and timely conclusion.

The Secretary-General urges all parties to ensure the transitional justice mechanisms currently being debated are established in compliance with international law, prioritize victims’ rights and are able to operate with full independence.  The Secretary-General reaffirms the continued support of the United Nations to Nepal's peace process.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.