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Welcoming United States President’s Speech, Secretary-General Urges Israeli, Palestinian Leaders to Respond ‘as Statesmen And Peacemakers’

19 May 2011
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Welcoming United States President’s Speech, Secretary-General Urges Israeli,

Palestinian Leaders to Respond ‘as Statesmen And Peacemakers’


The following statement was issued today by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General welcomes [United States] President [Barack] Obama's important speech on the historic developments taking place in the Middle East and North Africa.  The Secretary-General has consistently expressed his support for the legitimate aspirations of the people in the region for greater freedom, dignity and a better life.  The Secretary-General continues to call on the leaders throughout the region to reject the use of force, violence and repression, and to choose the path of comprehensive reform and inclusive dialogue.  He believes it is the people of the region who will lead the way, and he pledges the full assistance of the United Nations.

On the Middle East peace process, the Secretary-General believes that President Obama has offered important ideas which could help the peace talks move forward, consistent with international positions and responding to the legitimate core concerns of both parties.  He encourages Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu and President [Mahmoud] Abbas to respond as statesmen and peacemakers to this important speech.  He hopes all sides will demonstrate a renewed determination to achieve a peace agreement that provides for two States living side-by-side in dignity, security and peace.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.