
Security Council Welcomes First Report of Ombudsperson Tasked with Considering Requests for ‘De-listing’ from Sanctions Targeting Al-Qaida, Taliban

28 February 2011
Security CouncilSC/10189
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Security Council

6492nd Meeting (AM)

Security Council Welcomes First Report of Ombudsperson Tasked with Considering


Requests for ‘De-listing’ from Sanctions Targeting Al-Qaida, Taliban


The Security Council today welcomed the first report of the Ombudsperson charged with aiding in the consideration of requests by individuals and organizations seeking removal from the list created by the Council’s Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee.

In a statement (document SPRST/2011/5) read out by Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil), Council President for February, the 15-nation body underlined the important role of Ombudsperson Kimberly Prost in ensuring fair and clear procedures for individuals designated, or “listed”, by the Committee pursuant to Council resolution 1267 (1999) to be the subject of a global sanctions regime that includes such measures as asset freezes and travel bans.

The Council established the Office of the Ombudsperson for an initial period of 18 months by adopting resolution 1904 (2009) and the Secretary-General appointed Ms. Prost, a former Judge on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, to the post in June 2010.  She formally commenced her functions on 14 July 2010.

In the report (document S/2011/29), Ms. Prost said her initial work involved developing procedures for applications to be de-listed, for handling de-listing requests and related purposes.  Documents outlining those procedures were made publicly available and appended to the report.

Among the few observations Ms. Prost makes in the report at the present early stage, is that the effectiveness of the Ombudsperson’s work and the ability to provide detailed information, as well as thorough analysis and observations to assist the Committee, is heavily dependent on the cooperation of States.  In addition, she notes the need for follow-up measures to ensure that persons and entities are de-listed effectively, and observes that it would be useful for her Office to receive additional information on cases.  Noting also that the Office was originally mandated for an 18-month term, she says that if that mandate is to be renewed, resources commensurate with its responsibilities and case load will be needed.

In its presidential statement, the Security Council took note of the observations contained in the report, and said it would respond to them “in the context of the renewal of the Ombudsperson’s mandate in June 2011 in order to ensure that any necessary improvements to the Ombudsperson procedure are implemented”.

Council members did, however, welcome Ms. Prost’s observation that Member States had been cooperative in responding to requests and providing information, and that she looked forward to their continuing cooperation with the Ombudsperson’s Office.

The meeting began at 10:25 a.m. and ended at 10:30 a.m.

Presidential Statement

The full text of Presidential Statement S/PRST/2011/9 reads as follows:

“The Security Council underlines that terrorism constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security, the enjoyment of human rights, the social and economic development of all Member States and undermines global stability and prosperity, and emphasises the importance of the Al Qaida and Taliban sanctions regime as an essential tool in combating the threat posed by terrorist activity.

“The Security Council recalls its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security under the Charter of the United Nations and further recalls Article 103 of the Charter.

“The Security Council stresses the need for full implementation of all its resolutions and statements on terrorism, including resolution 1904 (2009).

“The Security Council recalls the establishment of an Office of the Ombudsperson pursuant to resolution 1904 (2009) to assist in considering delisting requests submitted by, or on behalf of, an individual, group, undertaking or entity on the list created pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and resolution 1333 (2000) (“the Consolidated List”), underlines its commitment to ensuring that the Office of the Ombudsperson is able to continue to carry out its role effectively, in accordance with its mandate, and, in this regard, undertakes to renew the Office’s mandate in June 2011.

“The Security Council welcomes the first report of the Ombudsperson submitted pursuant to Annex II of resolution 1904 (2009) (S/2011/29) and the work of the Ombudsperson to date.

“The Security Council takes note of the observations in the report to which it will respond in the context of the renewal of the Ombudsperson’s mandate in June 2011 in order to ensure that any necessary improvements to the Ombudsperson procedure are implemented.

“The Security Council underlines the improvements to the procedures of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) (“the Committee”) and to the Consolidated List, and the seriousness with which the Committee undertakes its mandate to carry out regular and in-depth reviews of entries on the Consolidated List, expresses its intent to continue efforts to ensure that procedures are fair and clear. 

“The Security Council underlines the important role of the Ombudsperson in ensuring fair and clear procedures for individuals designated pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and encourages individuals seeking delisting from the Consolidated List to pursue their case through the Ombudsperson.

“The Security Council welcomes the observation by the Ombudsperson that States have been cooperative in responding to requests and providing information in the cases and looks forward to Member States’ continued cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsperson.”

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.