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United Nations, Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly ‘Share Common Vision’ to Promote Dialogue, Understanding, Says Secretary-General, in Rabat

28 October 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

United Nations, Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly ‘Share Common Vision’


to Promote Dialogue, Understanding, Says Secretary-General, in Rabat


Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, in Rabat, 28 October:

It is a pleasure to convey my greetings to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean.

The United Nations and Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) share a common vision to promote dialogue, mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

We are working together in pursuit of the Millennium Development Goals, including those that are of particular concern in the region, such as access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

We are also seeking to strengthen our collaboration and I am pleased that PAM has been granted observer status to the United Nations General Assembly.  A PAM delegation participated for the first time in the General Debate last month in New York, and we were all enriched by your active presence.

As we look ahead, regional developments offer some signs of hope.

I welcome the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian direct negotiations and the goal of resolving all final status issues by September 2011.  The parties must engage with determination to overcome obstacles and find a way for the negotiations to bring about a comprehensive peace.  Working with the Middle East Quartet, I continue to offer my full support to the process.

The United Nations remains committed to providing assistance to the Palestinian people.  We support steps taken by the Palestinian Authority towards establishing institutions of a future independent, democratic, contiguous and viable State, living side by side in peace and security with Israel and its other neighbours.  These efforts will become more relevant as the parties make progress at the negotiation table.

Gaza also remains a priority.  We welcome the new Israeli policy to allow more imports and more international projects.  But much more needs to be done. I will continue to call for further measures to improve living conditions of ordinary Gazans.  Restrictions on exports and on the movement of people should be lifted.

I look forward to continuing to work closely with you on these and other challenges. The voice and role of parliamentarians is indispensable.  You are the backbone of democracy.  You make the laws, seek to uphold the rule of law, and by your very diversity, you are the voice of the people.

Peace and security, climate change, development, disarmament and human rights are all great global issues.  But they are also great local issues. Parliamentarians are often the vital bridge between the two.  That is why your voices are so important to the effective governance of our complex world, in the Mediterranean region and beyond.

The world needs your leadership.  All of us benefit from strong, effective, dynamic parliaments. In that spirit, please accept my best wishes for a successful session.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.