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Swimmer’s Feat Shows Individuals Can Make Difference, Secretary-General Says at ‘Swim across the Continents Event’ with Marcos Diaz

15 September 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Swimmer’s Feat Shows Individuals Can Make Difference, Secretary-General Says

at ‘Swim across the Continents Event’ with Marcos Diaz

Following are Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at the event with swimmer Marcos Diaz’s “Swim across the Continents with the United Nations for the Millennium Development Goals”, in New York today, 15 September:

It’s a great pleasure for me to congratulate Marcos Diaz, the Dominican Dolphin, on his amazing feat:  swimming between five continents for the Millennium Development Goals.

What an achievement.  It is a testimony to Marcos’ remarkable bravery, courage and commitment.  It is a wonderful symbol of global solidarity.  Marcos has brought home to us in a new way how small our world is and how closely linked we all are.

On his way, Marcos has met Heads of State, ministers, Prime Ministers, civil society organizations and many ordinary people.  And he found out for himself what we all know: that people everywhere share a universal desire to live free from poverty.

Today he is bringing this message to the United Nations, to all people of the world.  He is reminding all world leaders that people on every continent expect them to do whatever it takes to meet the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.  And he is living proof that one person, with imagination and dedication, can make a difference.  He is making waves that are creating a ripple effect around the world!

The voices of individual citizens like Marcos are a powerful tool in our push for the Millennium Development Goals.  There are many ways to join in; one is through the campaign “Stand Up, Take Action, Make Noise for the Millennium Development Goals”, which starts on Friday.

It is more important than ever for ordinary people to support Government efforts, monitor progress, and keep the Millennium Development Goals high on the political and public agenda.  We must each, in our own way, spread Marcos’s message:  the Goals are achievable with the right mix of policies, resources and leadership.

I thank the Government of the Dominican Republic for providing Marcos with such strong support.  I also commend his team members and all those who have helped him on his way.

But most of all, thank you, Marcos!  You have made a big splash on behalf of the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world.

And thank you, everyone, for turning out today to give Marcos such a warm welcome.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.