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Secretary-General, at Freetown Meeting, Hails ‘Vibrant’ Civil Society’s Role during Wartime Sierra Leone, in Post-conflict Healing

16 June 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

Secretary-General, at Freetown Meeting, Hails ‘Vibrant’ Civil Society’s

Role during Wartime Sierra Leone, in Post-conflict Healing


Following are UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s remarks at a meeting with civil society in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on 15 June:

I am very pleased to be here in Sierra Leone for my first visit as Secretary-General.  Thank you for coming here to meet with me.

I regret that we will not have more time together, but let us make the best of what we have.  I will be brief to leave maximum time for discussion.  I want to hear from you.

What a wonderfully diverse group.  I am impressed to see how vibrant civil society is in Sierra Leone after the traumatic years of conflict.  We all know what an important role the organizations you represent played in ending the conflict and in the peace process.  You are a symbol of hope for the country.

Thank you as well for your contributions to peacebuilding.  You are helping your country move towards a better future.  Civil society is critical to the democratic process and to human rights, and in ensuring that development programmes are guided by your country's priorities.

Much has been achieved since the end of the conflict.  But successes should not make us complacent.  There are still many challenges ahead in consolidating the gains of the past eight years.

The third post-conflict democratic elections in 2012 will define the country's future direction.  Your organizations are expected to play a vital role in this process.  The United Nations will continue to support you.

Your values are our values:  empowering women; advancing opportunities for young people; reinforcing the rule of law and democratic processes; fighting corruption; and protecting the environment.

The United Nations will also continue to advocate for the independence of civil society.

I look forward to hearing your views and concerns.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.