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In Video Message at United Nations Expo 2010 Pavilion, Secretary-General Urges Visitors: ‘The World Needs You to Get Engaged,’ ‘Do Your Part’

3 May 2010
Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York

In Video Message at United Nations Expo 2010 Pavilion, Secretary-General Urges


Visitors: ‘The World Needs You to Get Engaged,’ ‘Do Your Part’


Following is the text of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s video message for the United Nations Pavilion at Expo 2010, “One World, One UN”, in Shanghai, 1 May-31 October:

Welcome to the United Nations Pavilion!

This pavilion shows how the [United Nations] family works.

For peace, development and dignity.

For freedom, justice and human rights.

We meet here as “One World… One UN”.

I hope the exhibits will inspire you to come up with ideas of your own for building a safer, more prosperous world.

When you leave here, I hope you start putting those ideas into practice.

The world needs you to get engaged.  To do your part. 

The United Nations is your organization.

Be a global citizen.  Together, we can advance toward a better future.

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For information media • not an official record
For information media. Not an official record.