Unprecedented Number of Mexican Non-Governmental Organizations Associated with Public Information Department Ahead of Conference in Mexico
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Department of Public Information • News and Media Division • New York |
UNITED NATIONS 1 July -– With the annual DPI/NGO Conference, entitled “For Peace and Development: Disarm Now!” taking place in Mexico City from 9 to 11 September, Eric Falt, Chair, Department of Public Information (DPI) Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), stated that it is particularly fitting that the large majority of non-governmental organizations newly accepted today for association -- 43 – were based in Mexico.
In a comprehensive review of non-governmental organizations from around the world, the Public Information Department found that 239 were no longer active and, thus, formally disassociated them. For a list of those organizations, please see www.un.org/dpi/ngosection -- under the heading NGO Association with DPI.
Effective this year, association priority will be given to non-governmental organizations where the annual conference will be held. Since the Conference is happening in Latin America and the Caribbean, the United Nations Information Centres (UNICs) and United Nations Information Services (UNISs) in the region had organized workshops to inform non-governmental organizations about the process of affiliation with the Public Information Department. UNIC Mexico, UNIC Buenos Aires, UNIC Panama and UNIC Port of Spain had been the most active.
The organizations presented for review this month covered a wide range of issues, such as youth and adult education, indigenous traditions, human rights, climate change, health care issues, protection of marine life, post-conflict development, exchange and cooperation among peoples, women’s rights, technological assistance, family culture and well-being, mental health, disability issues, water, HIV/AIDS, and assistance to the elderly, poor and marginalized populations.
Following are the newly associated non-governmental organizations, listed alphabetically and by regional groups:
Asian States: China NGO Network for International Exchanges (CNIE), (China).
Latin American and Caribbean States: Alfabetizacao Solidaria (Brazil); Asistencia Tecnológica Integral A.C (Mexico); Asociación de Defensoría Ciudadana A.C (México); Asociación Dominicana de las Naciones Unidas (Dominican Republic); Asociación Mexicana en Pro de la Familia, Cultura y Bienestar Social A.C (México);Asociación Nacional para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y la Vigilancia permanente de la Aplicación de la ley A.C, (México); Asociación Tech Palewi A.C (México); B´Nai Or -- Vibe Siendo Tus Sueños A.C (México); Banco Alimentos Mana A.C (México); Centro Mexicano de Filantropía A.C. (México); Centro de Estudios Ecuménicos (México); Centro de Investigación, Información y Apoyo a la Cultura A.C (México); Chakaan Buulaan A.C (México); Clamor en el Barrio de México A.C (México); Colubris -- Colibrí rubí A.C (México); Comité Panamaño por los Derechos Humanos (Panamá); Comunidad Down A.C (México); Confederación Mexicana de Organizaciones a favor de la Persona con Discapacidad Intelectual A.C (México); Consejo Nacional de Defensa a la Ciudadania A.C (México); Emiliano Zapata, Fundación de Estudios e Investigación A.C (México); and Ethos Interacción Ciudadana Glocal A.C (México).
Also: Etnia Conexión Global A.C (México); Explora (Panamá); Formación y Protección de la Mujer y del Menor A.C (México); Foro Ciudadano en Acción Creando Espacios A.C (México); Fundación Amigos del Niño con Leucemia y Cancer (Panamá); Fundación Down Ángeles del Mundo A.C (México); Fundación Gabriel Lewis Galindo (Panamá); Fundcación Marviva (Panamá and Costa Rica); Fundación Murrieta A.C (México); Fundación Nuevo Milenio A.C (México); Fundación Por Puebla Horizonte 2000 A.C (México); Fundación Salvemos el Agua A.C (México); Global Healing Association A.C (México); Hecho por los Ángeles A.C (México); Ingenium Morelos A.C (México); Instituto Griselda Álvarez A.C (México); Jovenex en Movimiento A.C (México); Juchari Motzitarakua (México); Kalnemi Casa de la Vida A.C (México); Las Artes y la cultura en la Construcción de una niñez plena A.C (México); Dos Mexicos (Los) A.C (México); Machincuepa Circo Social A.C (México); Mujeres Productivas por el Desarrollo de México (México); Mujeres Unidas Solidarias Activas A.C (México); Patronado de Apoyo del Hospital General de Occidente A.C (México); Proyecto Etica Latam A.C (México); Red Nacional de Refugios A.C (México); Reforestamos México A.C (México); and Unidos Somos Iguales (México).
Western European and other States: The BARKA Foundation (USA); Earth Child Institute (USA); Foundation for Post Conflict Development (USA); Institute for Multicultural Counselling and Education Services, Inc. (IMCES), (USA); Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (USA); Rutgers University (USA); and the World Lebanese Cultural Union (USA).
For further information, please contact the DPI/NGO Relations at tel.: +1 212 963 6842 or e-mail: dpingo@un.org.
The Directory of non-governmental organizations associated with the Department of Information is also available at www.un.org/dpi/ngosection/index.asp.
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For information media • not an official record