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Press Release

Secretary-General Congratulates Vienna International Centre on 25th Anniversary

Following is Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s message on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Vienna International Centre, delivered in Vienna today by Antonio María Costa, Director-General, United Nations Office at Vienna:

I am delighted to convey my warmest congratulations on this twenty-fifth anniversary of the Vienna International Centre.  For a quarter of a century, this building has symbolized the warm relationship between the United Nations and the Government and people of Vienna and Austria.  I am pleased that Johann Staber, the architect of the Centre, has been able to join the United Nations for this special commemoration.

Over these 25 years, the United Nations presence in Vienna has kept pace with global challenges.  Since 1997, it has been the centre of the Organization’s work to fight “uncivil society” -- those elements which take advantage of the benefits of globalization to traffic in human beings and illegal drugs, launder money or engage in terrorism.  I am convinced that as new challenges develop, the entities housed at the Vienna International Centre will continue to serve as important catalysts in international cooperation.

To all those who work in this building, I send my best wishes for a happy anniversary.  May you keep advancing the ideals and goals of the United Nations for many years to come.

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For information media. Not an official record.