

Press Release



NEW YORK, 28 July (Department of Political Affairs) -- The following table has been issued to provide clarification regarding the distinct roles of the United Nations Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and the United Nations Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism, known as the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC).  Both the 1267 Committee and the Counter-Terrorism Committee have approved this press release.




v        Established on 15 October 1999, with the adoption of resolution 1267, which imposed sanctions on Taliban-controlled Afghanistan for its support of Usama Bin Laden and the Al-Qaida organization.

v      The sanctions have subsequently been modified and strengthened by resolutions 1333 (2000), 1390 (2002) and 1455 (2003).

v      As of January 2002, the sanctions no longer exclusively target territory in Afghanistan.

v       Following the adoption of UNSCR 1368, which condemned the attacks of 11 September 2001, the Security Council adopted UNSCR 1373, which, inter alia, requires States to take a series of actions to combat terrorism, which are best carried out through the adoption of laws and regulations and the establishment of administrative structures.  In addition, UNSCR 1373 calls upon States to work together to prevent and suppress terrorist acts, including through increased cooperation.  It also establishes the CTC to monitor the implementation of UNSCR 1373.

v       The CTC is not a sanctions committee but an instrument to monitor the implementation of Resolution 1373.  The CTC does not have a list of terrorist organizations or individuals.

v       The declaration annexed to UNSCR 1456 provides additional guidance to the CTC in monitoring the implementation of UNSCR 1373.

Although the 1267 Committee and the CTC share the same objective of fighting terrorism, the activities of the two committees are different but complementary.

Both bodies oversee the implementation of specific counter terrorism measures established by the Security Council, but they do so from different perspectives.




v      The 1267 Committee oversees the implementation by States of the sanctions imposed by the Security Council on Usama Bin Laden, members of the Al-Qaida organization and the Taliban and other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with them, who are included on the consolidated LIST maintained by the Committee.

v        The existing sanctions require all States to do the following in connection with listed individuals and entities, regardless of their location: freeze assets, prevent entry into or transit through their territories, and prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale and transfer of arms and military equipment.

v      The CTC monitors the implementation of Resolution 1373 by all States and tries to increase the capability of States to fight terrorism.  The CTC has devoted substantial attention to facilitating the provision of assistance to those States, which are having difficulties in implementing the resolution.


v      Through the implementation reports called for in resolution 1455 (2003), the Committee seeks information from States on all steps taken to implement the sanctions measures described above, including a comprehensive summary of frozen assets of listed individuals and entities.

v        The 1267 Committee Chairman will regularly report orally

v     Resolution 1373 calls upon all States to report to the CTC, according to a time table proposed by the Committee, on the steps they have taken to implement the Resolution.

v    The CTC seeks information from States on all steps taken to implement the above-mentioned measures, identifies the needs of those countries who have difficulties and tries to find the proper assistance available either on a bilateral or multilateral basis, or through international organizations.



to the Security Council; those reports shall include a summary of progress in the submission of implementation reports by States.

v      In July and December 2003, the 1267 Committee Chairman will provide to the Security Council a detailed oral assessment of Member State implementation of the sanctions measures based on Member State reports submitted pursuant to resolutions 1390 (2002), 1455 (2003), and all pertinent parts of Member State reports submitted under resolution 1373 (2001), and in line with transparent criteria to be determined by the Committee and communicated to all Member States.  Such assessments will be undertaken so as to allow the Security Council to improve the existing sanctions measures.

v      The Chairman reports every three months to the Security Council on the progress of the CTC’s work.  He also gives regular briefings to all United Nations Member States about the work of the CTC.

v    Most of the CTC documentation is available to the general public through its Web Page within the United Nations Organization:


v        The 1267 Committee supervises the exceptional access to frozen funds necessary for basic and extraordinary expenses, where appropriate, in accordance with resolution 1452 (2002).

As the fight against terrorism is complex and requires detailed information and expertise, both the 1267 Committee and the CTC are assisted in their work by expert bodies.



Expert bodies:

v        The 1267 Committee is supported by the Monitoring Group, first established by resolution

v        The CTC is supported by a group of experts.  This group is composed of experts in areas addressed by



1363 (2001) and most recently mandated to monitor the implementation of resolution 1455 (2003) and to follow-up on relevant leads relating to any incomplete implementation of the sanctions measures.

v        The Monitoring Group is composed of experts on arms embargoes, travel ban, counter-terrorism and financing of terrorism.

v        For more information:


Resolution 1373, including legislation, terrorist financing, customs, immigration, asylum, extradition and border controls.  This group of experts analyses the States’ reports to the CTC, as noted above, advises the CTC and identifies any gaps in the States’ efforts to implement Resolution 1373.

v           The CTC has also attached a great importance to identifying assistance to States.  In this field, the CTC keeps a MATRIX designed to facilitate the co-ordination of assistance between States who need it and donors.  Governments interested in a copy of this matrix can contact

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For information media. Not an official record.