In progress at UNHQ



Press Release


17 MARCH TO 25 APRIL 2003

Information for Media Coverage of the Session

GENEVA, 12 March (UN Information Service) -- The Commission on Human Rights will hold its fifty-ninth session from Monday, 17 March to Friday,

25 April 2003 at the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) in Conference Room XVII in E building.  The opening of the session will be held in the Assembly Hall and will be followed by a high level segment which will last until Thursday, 20 March.  Beginning Friday, 21 March, the session will be held in room XVII of E building.  (A separate note will be provided on the anticipated schedule of speakers at the high level segment.)

The information below is aimed at facilitating the work of correspondents covering the Commission's proceedings. 

This note will be updated as necessary.

      Media Accreditation

Correspondents who are not accredited with UNOG should fax Elena Ponomareva-Piquier, Chief of the Public Relations Section, Information Service (fax number is 917‑0073).  Journalists are asked to send photocopies of:  a valid professional press card, an identity card or passport, and a letter of assignment from the Editor-in-Chief of the media concerned.  The security passes can be picked up from the Villa Les Feuillantines, 13 Avenue de la Paix, Geneva.

      United Nations Press Releases

Background press releases in English and French are available in press room 1 and the Documentation Centre (room C329).  Correspondents will also find copies of the document entitled “Annotations to the Provisional Agenda” (document E/CN.4/2003/1/Add.1) available in the press room.  The document includes useful information on the organization of work of the session, details on the agenda items and the related documentation.

The Information Service will provide continuous, in-depth coverage of the work of the Commission in English and French.  The press releases summarizing each public meeting of the Commission will be available in pressroom 1 and the Documentation Centre (room C329).  For any questions concerning the press releases, please call the acting Chief of the Press Unit, Thierry Potvin.  For information on press releases in paper version, please call Alexey Lipovetsky (022-917.2297).

All press releases of the Information Service will be available as soon as they are finalized, in both languages, on the Internet site of the United Nations Office at Geneva (www/

      Media Liaison

José Luis Diaz, Information Officer for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, will give daily press briefings for correspondents for the duration of the session.  On Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, the briefing will be held at noon in press room 1.  (This hour may change according to the times of press conferences.)  The briefings on Tuesdays and Fridays will be given in Room III at 10:30 a.m. within the framework of the twice-a-week regular press briefing by the Information Service.  Annick Stevenson, Spokesperson for the High Commissioner for Human Rights, will be available to correspondents to respond to their questions.

Mr. Diaz is also responsible for liaising with the media on questions related to the Commission on Human Rights.  He can offer assistance to correspondents concerning coverage as well as arranging interviews with dignitaries or Special Rapporteurs attending the session.

For further information, please contact Mrs. Stevenson at 022-917-7338 (mobile telephone 079-477-0852) or Mr. Diaz at 917-7337 (mobile telephone 079‑217‑3009).


Documents of the Commission, including reports of Special Rapporteurs and adopted resolutions, will be made available to correspondents as soon as they are published.  Every morning, before 10 a.m., a list of the documents which have just been issued will be available in press room 1.

For further information on documents and requests for reports already issued, journalists can obtain help from the Documentation Centre of the Information Service, room C.329, telephone numbers 917-2304 or 917-2305.

The Commission documents will also be available in English, French and Spanish, on the Web site of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at

Press Conferences

Press Conferences at the Palais des Nations will be organized throughout the Commission involving United Nations officials, Special Rapporteurs and experts as well as speakers invited to address the Commission and representatives of Member States to the Commission.  Press conferences will be announced at the daily briefings, on the board in press room 1, on the internal public address system and on UNOG’s Web site (

Attendance will be strictly limited to accredited correspondents and the only exceptions will be members of the delegation giving the press conference and the information staff covering it.

Radio Facilities

The United Nations Radio Studios are operational from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Reservations should be made on 917-2566; 917-1077.

An audio multi box will be available in the press gallery in Conference Room XVII.

For further information, please contact Marian Houk on 917-1096.

Television:  Access to the Conference Room

Television crews, accompanied by United Nations staff will be able to take general views of the Conference Room.  Access to the centre of the room is restricted to the United Nations television crew and one other television crew at a time.  The crew will be chosen by the Television and Radio Unit.  Priority will be given to television teams from the same country as the speaker addressing the Commission.

Television:  Facilities

United Nations Television will provide coverage of statements in Pal Betacam to interested televisions and documentary producers.  Coverage requests should be made in writing, in advance.  Coverage requests and bookings for television studio and transmission facilities should be sent to United Nations Television, Room E.10, Palais des Nations, 8-14 Avenue de La Paix, CH 1211-Geneva 10; Fax:  41 22 917 0031


Photographers will work in areas on the floor designated by the Television and Radio Unit.  Pool coverage may be arranged as needed.

For further information, please contact Yvette Morris on 917-4606 or 079-217-3064, or Annie Liautaud on 917-4632.

For further information, please contact José Luis Diaz at tel.:  (41-22) 917-7338 (mobile telephone 079-217-3009); fax:  (41-22) 917-0342; email:  (Calls from inside the Palais des Nations can be made by replacing “917” by “7”.

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For information media. Not an official record.