

Press Release

Commission for Social Development

Fortieth Session

10th Meeting (AM)



The Commission for Social Development this morning began its consideration of three draft resolutions that address preparations for the observance of the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2004, and the situation of persons with disabilities.

The draft resolution on the Year of the Family was introduced by the representative of Benin.  A text on further promotion of equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities and promotion of their human rights was introduced by the representative of Sweden, and a draft on the proposed international convention to promote the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities was introduced by the representative of Mexico. 

Following the introduction of the texts on persons with disabilities, the Chairperson of the Commission, Faith Innerarity (Jamaica) suggested that work on those related texts be coordinated by their co-sponsors.  At the conclusion of the meeting, the Commission discussed the procedural aspects of drafting the outcome documents.

The Commission is expected to conclude its work for the current session Thursday, 21 February. 

Texts before Commission

Regarding preparations for the observance of the tenth anniversary of the Year of the Family, the Commission would recommend that the Economic and Social Council adopt a draft resolution (document E/CN.5/2002/L.3), by which it would recommend that the General Assembly call upon all United Nations bodies, specialized agencies, regional commissions and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned to make every effort to integrate the family perspective into the planning and decision-making process.

By the same draft, the Assembly, on recommendation of the Council, would decide that the major activities for the observance should be concentrated at the local, national and regional level.  One plenary meeting at the Assembly’s fifty-eighth session and two meetings at the fifty-ninth session would be devoted to launching and observance ofthe tenth anniversary.  The fifty-ninth session meetingswould be designated as an international conference on families.

The draft is sponsored by Benin.

By the draft resolution on equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities (document E/CN.5/2002/L.4), the Economic and Social Council would welcome the initiatives by governments, United Nations bodies and organizations, including Bretton Woods institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations, to implement the goal of full participation and equality for persons with disabilities in accordance with the Standard Rules.  All those actors would be urged to create greater awareness and support for further implementation of the StandardRules, exchange information on the matter, protect human rights of persons with disabilities and improve cooperation in the field of disability.  The Economic and Social Council would urge the governments to ensure that persons with disabilities have the same access to education, health, employment, social services, housing, public transport and information.

Further by the text, the Economic and Social Council would renew the mandate of the Commission’s Special Rapporteur on Disability –- Bengt Linqvist -- through 2005 to further the promotion and monitoring of the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.  Taking note of his third periodic report, which was discussed in open debate last week, the Economic and Social Council would point out that future work on the matter should include the human rights dimensions of disability. 

The Secretary-General would be requested to seek the views of Member States on the proposals of the report, especially on the suggested supplement to the Standard Rules.  International and non-governmental organizations would also be encouraged to contribute to the work on those proposals.  The text also addresses the proposed convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, recommending to the Ad Hoc Committee, set by the General Assembly to consider proposals in that regard, to take into account the relationship with relevant human rights instruments and the Standard Rules and to carefully study the proposals of the Special Rapporteur at the current session.

The draft is co-sponsored by Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom and Norway.

Another draft resolution (document E/CN.5/2002/L.5) addresses the proposed comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities.  By its terms, the Commission would invite the Special Rapporteur and the panel of experts to make recommendations to the Ad Hoc Committee on the content and practical measures that should be considered in the international convention.

The Commission would also request the Secretary-General to submit to the Ad Hoc Committee prior to its first session a compilation of existing international legal instruments, documents and programmes that directly or indirectly address the situation of persons with disabilities.

The co-sponsors of the text are Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico.

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For information media. Not an official record.