In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Committee on NGOs

49th Meeting (AM)



The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) began the final day of its resumed 2001 session by recommending consultative status for three NGOs in the areas of small arms control, the environment and health.  In considering previously deferred applications for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, the Committee held dialogues with NGO representatives in attendance and granted the consultative status all had requested.

The "World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities" was recommended for roster status.  "Network 'Earth Village'" and the "International Planned Parenthood Federation-African Region" would both be recommended for special status.

Beginning the day, Committee Chairman Mehmet Levent Bilman (Turkey) said the Committee very much appreciated the presence of NGO representatives at its sessions.  However, their presence placed no obligation on the Committee, which did its best to accommodate those who made a personal appearance and regretted the time constraints that prevented immediate satisfaction.

The important area of small arms control had already benefited from the contribution of the "World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities", delegates pointed out.  The representative of France said the Italy-based NGO had facilitated progress in marking weapons to enable tracing in conflict situations.  The representative of the United States said the organization's work impacted on environmental issues.  The representatives of Turkey, Senegal, Russian Federation, Pakistan, Sudan, India, China and Tunisia all called for recommending the roster consultative status to the organization whose representative had waited two weeks to address the Committee.

Responding to the Algerian delegation's request for clarification, the group's representative said the Forum had a responsibility to teach the world community about the difference between illicit use of arms and their legitimate use for sport.  The group lobbied industry, government and law enforcement agencies to promote the use of experts in small arms control.  It had broadened the use of molecular degeneration studies to determine the origin of arms when markings had been removed.  An international workshop was planned for strengthening the global uniformity of methods for monitoring carrying firearms in luggage on airlines. 

Delegations expressed enthusiasm for the work of the Tokyo-based "Network 'Earth Village'", a Tokyo-based international environmental group.  Many delegations expressed particular satisfaction that the organization primarily

targeted people in the industrialized world for preventing major environmental crises.  "There is only so much the developing world can do", the representative of Lebanon said.  The representatives of Algeria, Colombia, Lebanon, Chile, India, Turkey, Sudan, China, Cuba and Tunisia expressed support.

In response to a request for more detail, the group's representative said his organization's work focused on raising public awareness about the environment with the aim of changing values and nurturing "green consumers".  "Earth Village" activities centred on workshops, forums, seminars and educational initiatives.

Procedural questions arose about the consultative status of umbrella organizations and their subunits when the Committee considered the application of "International Planned Parenthood Federation-the African Region".  After deciding to allocate the matter to the working group, the Committee recommended the special status the organization had requested.

The previously deferred applications for consultative status are contained in document E/C.2/2001/CRP.5.

In addition to considering other matters related to NGOs, the 19-member Committee on NGOs makes recommendations on requests for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council and for reclassifications of status.  Three classifications are possible:  roster, special and general.  NGOs with roster status are authorized to attend Council meetings.  Those with special status may also circulate statements while those with general status may, in addition, speak at meetings and propose agenda items.  NGOs with either special or general status submit quadrennial reports on their activities that are related to United Nations work.

Also this morning, the Committee considered the implementation of Economic and Social Council resolution 1995/32 which authorizes the Committee to make recommendations on participation of NGOs in the Council's working group on indigenous people.  Pending receipt of further information, the applications before the Committee would be considered during the next session in April or May.  The requests concerned participation by the "United Native Nations Society", the "Indigenous Peoples and Nations Coalition" and the "Chickaloon Village Traditional Council".

The Committee will meet again at 3 p.m. this afternoon to review its working methods in the areas of accreditation and of strengthening the Secretariat's NGO section, to adopt its report and to conclude its resumed 2001 session.

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For information media. Not an official record.