In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Committee on NGOs

39th Meeting (AM)


A representative of Freedom House responded this morning to comments on a recently submitted special report to the Committee on Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) as the Committee met this morning to continue discussing its methods of work and to begin consideration of special reports.

A note by the Secretary-General conveys the special report on activities related to Cuba (document E/C.2/2001/3/Add.1), submitted by Freedom House to the Committee in response to earlier complaints about views that Freedom House had expressed in a report requested by China (document E/C.2/2001/3).  The present report also responds to additional questions the Committee had put to Freedom House on activities elsewhere in connection with its special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.

In today's meeting, Cuba's representatives recalled the background to the complaints lodged against Freedom House, centred on alleged links to terrorist groups and on links to the United States Central Intelligence Agency as well as subversive groups aiming to destabilize Cuba.  He said the report was inadequate and lacked the detail that had been requested. 

Referring to the earlier report Freedom House had submitted to the Committee, China's representative noted that Freedom House had referred to Taiwan as a separate entity from China.  He hoped the organization would further clarify its position on the issue, with an understanding of the correct position of the United Nations.

Speaking in support of Cuba's position as well as China's view regarding the status of Taiwan, Sudan's representative recalled the need for full respect by NGOs of United Nations rules and norms.  Regarding her country's experience with Freedom House, she said relations were improving but the organization had a peculiar way of working.  It tended to make value judgements and had referred to genocide in Sudan that only existed in the organization's "mind".  It had also made a reference that connected the Sudan with the 11 September terrorist attacks.

Iran’s representative, participating as an observer to the Committee, said he was concerned about an article that had been published in which Freedom House said that there was a gap in freedom and democratization between Islamic and non-Islamic countries.  Categorizing countries in that way, he said, contributed to stereotypes that had already caused problems since the terrorist attacks of last year.  Syria’s representative, also speaking as an observer, supported the statements of Iran and Sudan.

Saying that the report was unsatisfactory and biased, Pakistan's representative warned against bias in NGOs.  He said it was particularly dangerous since the

terrorist attacks of last September, and especially in a group that had such a long-standing relationship with the United Nations as Freedom House.

A number of delegations were satisfied with the report, including that of France.  The representative of the United States said Freedom House was an important voice confronting many important issues around the world.  Some member States may not agree with Freedom House, it was important that NGOs speak out about human rights.  Freedom House was completely independent of United States Government direction.  It was one of hundreds of organizations receiving funds from his Government.

Germany's representative said he was satisfied with the report but he cautioned against naming any organization a "terrorist" organization.  He asked delegations to specify that allegations against terrorist groups were their views and not those of the United Nations. 

Responding to the complaints, the representative of Freedom House said its organization was broadly-based and non-partisan.  The article cited by Iran noted processes toward democracy of many civilizations and was not intended to incite inter-religious hostility.  Plentiful documentation on Freedom House activity in Cuba had shown no association with terrorist organizations.  However, it had many relationships with individuals in contact with human rights issues in the country. 

Further, he said Freedom House had great respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.  Expanding on the view that his organization had no position on Taiwan as a State, he said Taiwan was listed in reports only on the basis of its international relationships.  The same had been the practice with the People’s Republic of China before that State had been recognized as the sole China by international bodies.  In Sudan, the organization was concerned with the sufferings of all Sudanese and not in supporting any one side in the political conflict.

The report and the special report had been requested by the Committee to make clarifications on a previous report by the 19-member NGO Committee, which is a standing body of the Economic and Social Council.  It makes recommendations on applications for consultative status within the Council, on status reclassifications and on related matters.  Three classifications are accorded.  Roster status entitles NGOs to participate in Council meetings.  NGOs with special consultative status can also circulate statements while those with general status can speak at meetings and propose agenda items.  Those with special or general status are required to submit quadrennial reports on activities in support of the United Nations.

On other matters, Committee Chairman Levent Bilman of Turkey announced that a representative of the Office of the Commissioner on Human Rights would address the Committee on Monday.  The representative of France introduced the Committee's working group report on the review of the Committee's work methods, including accreditation of NGO representatives, which was related to the issue of dealing with government complaints against NGOs.

Also speaking this morning were the representatives of Senegal, India, Bolivia and Turkey.

The Committee will meet again at 3 p.m. this afternoon to finish its consideration of the Freedom House report and to continue its review of special reports.

For information media. Not an official record.