In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Committee on NGOs

36th Meeting (PM)



The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) this afternoon recommended three NGOs for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).  It also took note of four quadrennial reports submitted by NGOs already in general and special consultative status with the Council.  It deferred two such reports, pending clarifications.

It recommended special consultative status for the Network of East-West Women and the Population Reference Bureau.  It recommended granting roster status to the Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environment.  The quadrennial reports reviewed this afternoon had all been deferred from previous sessions of the Committee.

The Committee took note this afternoon of the reports of the Federation of European Motorcycle’s Associations; the American Association of Jurists; the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences; and World Confederation of Labour.

Requiring further clarifications, the Committee deferred the report of the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims and Pax Christi International.

Organizations with general and special consultative status can attend meetings of the Council and circulate statements of a certain length; those with general status can, in addition, speak at meetings and propose items for the Council’s agenda.  Quadrennial reports on activities in support of the United Nations are required by all organizations with general and special consultative status.  Organizations with roster status can attend meetings, but are not required to submit quadrennial reports.

When questions arose concerning the report of Pax Christi International, a human rights organization, its representative, who happened to be present, was invited to respond.  Replying to a question of the Russian Federation about its reports referring to the Chechnian Republic as a separate entity, the organization’s representative said such was not the intent, as their reports only dealt with internationally recognized human rights violations.  Regarding the full reports of the organization, he was not able to bring them all; in addition, their Web site was not quite current.  He said he would have those reports sent from Brussels.

In regard to the Sudan’s question about Pax Christi’s activities regarding human rights in developing countries, the organization’s representative said that the organization operated through many national groups, but all those groups promoted the rights and dignity of every individual regardless of status and location.

The representatives of Cuba, Turkey and Colombia requested written information on interventions by Pax Christi’s work related to their countries, including interventions to the Commission on Human Rights.

Also this afternoon, as it has done each afternoon this week, the Committee devoted the hour between 5 and 6 p.m. to consider the applications of NGOs who had representatives present.  Accordingly, representatives of the Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environment was present concerning their new application for consultative status.  That organization, described in document E/C.2/2001/R.2/Add.10, received a recommendation for roster status without having to respond to questions.

Similarly, representatives were present from the Network of East-West Women and the Population Reference Bureau, two international organizations based in Washington, D.C.  Those organizations received the special consultative status they had sought.  Action on their applications had previously been deferred, but remaining questions had been answered before today’s meeting.  Those organizations are described in document E/C.2/2001/CRP.5.

The representatives of France, Germany, India, Senegal, Sudan, United States, Algeria, Bolivia and Romania also spoke during the consideration of reports and applications today.

The NGO Committee will meet again at 10 a.m. Thursday, 17 January, to continue its review of quadrennial reports.

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For information media. Not an official record.