In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Background Release                                          HR/4578

                                                            10 January 2002



Experts to Examine Reports from Lebanon, Greece, Gabon,

United Arab Emirates, Mozambique, Chile, Malawi, Bahrain, Andorra

(Reissued as received.)

GENEVA, 10 January (UN Information Service) -- The promotion and protection of children's rights in Lebanon, Greece, Gabon, United Arab Emirates, Mozambique, Chile, Malawi, Bahrain, and Andorra will be reviewed, as the Committee on the Rights of the Child meets in Geneva from 14 January to 1 February 2002.

The Committee was formed in 1991 to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which gives a comprehensive collection of children's rights the force of international law.  The countries scheduled to come before the Committee at this session are among the 191 to have ratified or acceded to the Convention, a number that makes the treaty the most widely accepted human rights instrument ever.  Only Somalia and the United States have not ratified it.  States parties to the Convention are expected to send representatives to the Committee to present and defend reports on how they give effect to children's rights.

During this three-week session, the Committee may also pursue the elaboration of general comments based on various principles and provisions of the Convention.  It is expected to consider, as well, ways and areas in which existing cooperation with various relevant bodies could be further strengthened to enhance the promotion and protection of the rights of the child.  The panel will also discuss the organization of its future work and the procedure to be followed in the consideration of reports by States parties and their follow-up, including, where necessary, technical assistance.

The Committee is composed of 10 independent experts, although States parties have adopted an amendment to the Convention that would increase the membership to 18 in order to enable the Committee to face a rapidly growing workload.  The amendment will enter into force upon acceptance by a two-thirds majority of States parties.

The Committee will start its work by approving its agenda and programme of work.

Concluding Remarks on Reports of States Parties Previously Reviewed

Of the nine countries whose reports are being considered this session, two have had reports previously reviewed.  The other seven countries are presenting initial reports.

In its concluding remarks on the initial report of Lebanon, which was reviewed in May 1996, the Committee welcomed, among other things, the establishment of a Higher Council for Childhood to serve as an independent intermediary between relevant government ministries and non-governmental organizations, and to initiate and coordinate programmes and policies; establishment of a Parliamentary Committee for the Protection of Childhood; and creation of a National Committee for the Disabled.  Among the panel's recommendations were that that:  the minimum ages of criminal responsibility, marriage, and child labour be reviewed; a permanent and multidisciplinary mechanism be developed for coordination and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention, both at national and local levels; Lebanon give further consideration to the establishment of an Ombudsperson for Children; and the Government pursue its efforts to ensure full compliance of national legislation with the principles and provisions of the Convention related to non-discrimination, the best interests of the child, and respect for the views of the child.  The Committee strongly recommended that legislative measures be adopted with a view to ensuring respect for the rights of girls, especially in relation to preventing early marriage; and it called for stronger emphasis to be placed on public education and the social welfare system, for a ban on the commercial marketing of infant formula to be implemented and for breast-feeding to be promoted among mothers in health facilities, and for comprehensive reform of the juvenile justice system.

In its conclusions on the initial report of Chile, considered in April 1994, the Committee noted, among positive developments, the fact that the Convention on the Rights of the Child was self-executing in the State party and that its provisions could be, and had been, invoked before the courts; adoption of a National Plan of Action in Favour of Children; and establishment of monitoring mechanisms, including a National Service for Minors.  The Committee recommended, among other things, that measures be adopted to fight situations of child ill-treatment; that a system of administration of juvenile justice be established in the light of the principles and provisions of the Convention and addressing, among other things, the question of the minimum age of criminal responsibility; that special efforts be made by the Government to fully harmonize existing legislation with the provisions of the Convention and in the light of its general principles, as well as to ensure that the best interests of the child were taken into account; that an overall national mechanism be set up with the mandate to assure continuing supervision and evaluation throughout the country of the implementation of the Convention, which was particularly important within the context of a government decentralization programme; that the Government ensure training activities for professional groups concerned with children; and that mediation measures be developed.

Convention on Rights of Child

The General Assembly adopted the Convention unanimously on 20 November 1989,

30 years after the adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of the Child.  The Convention makes States which accept it legally accountable for their actions towards children.  Work on its drafting began in 1979 -- the International Year of the Child -- at the Commission on Human Rights.

The Convention was opened for signature on 26 January 1990.  That day,

61 countries signed it, a record first-day response.  It entered into force just seven months later, on 2 September 1990.

Ratifying the Convention entails reviewing national legislation to make sure it is in line with the provisions of the treaty.  The Convention stipulates, among other things, that:  every child has the right to life, and States shall ensure to the maximum child survival and development; every child has the right to a name and nationality from birth; and, when courts, welfare institutions or administrative authorities deal with children, the child's best interests shall be a primary consideration.  The Convention recognizes the right of children to be heard.

Furthermore, States shall ensure that each child enjoys full rights without discrimination or distinctions of any kind; that children should not be separated from their parents, unless by competent authorities for their well-being; States should facilitate reunification of families by permitting travel into, or out of, their territories; and States shall protect children from physical or mental harm and neglect, including sexual abuse or exploitation.

Also according to the Convention, disabled children shall have the right to special treatment, education and care; primary education shall be free and compulsory and discipline in school should respect the child's dignity; capital punishment or life imprisonment shall not be imposed for crimes committed before the age of 18; no child under 15 should take any part in hostilities and children exposed to armed conflict shall receive special protection; and children of minority and indigenous populations shall freely enjoy their own culture, religion and language.

In May 2000, the General Assembly adopted by consensus the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.  The Optional Protocols shall enter into force three months after the deposit of the tenth instrument of ratification or accession.

Committee Membership

The Convention requires that the members of the Committee have a high moral standing and recognized competence in the field of children's rights.

The following experts, nominated by the State parties to serve in their personal capacity, have been elected to the Committee:  Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Al-Sheddi (Saudi Arabia), Ghalia Mohd Bin Hmad Al-Thani (Qatar), Jacob Egbert Doek (Netherlands), Saisuree Chutikul (Thailand), Luigi Citarella (Italy), Amina Hamza El Guindi (Egypt), Judith Karp (Israel), Awa N'Deye Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Marilia Sardenberg (Brazil), and Elizabeth Tigerstedt-Tahtela (Finland).

The Chairperson is Mr. Doek.  Vice-Chairpersons are Mrs. El Guindi,

Mrs. Ouedraogo, and Mrs. Sardenberg.  Mrs. Karp is Rapporteur.

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For information media. Not an official record.