In progress at UNHQ



Press Release

Resumed Fifty-fifth General Assembly

Fifth Committee

67th Meeting (AM & PM)



15-Chapter Draft on Human Resources Management

Called ‘Vote of Confidence in Secretary-General’s Vision’

The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) approved a total of 25 draft resolutions and 9 draft decisions Friday evening at the conclusion of its three-week second resumed session.  In keeping with established practice, this second session focused on the financing and administration of peacekeeping activities.

The Committee recommended the Assembly provide nearly $1.8 billion in resources for United Nations peace missions worldwide, including those operating in the Central African Republic, East Timor, the Middle East, and the successor States to the former Yugoslavia.  All the drafts approved this evening would have the Assembly express concern about the financial situation of the Organization’s peacekeeping operations, in particular regarding the reimbursement to troop contributors who bore an additional burden owing to overdue payments by Member Sates of their assessments.

Texts were also approved on the outline of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 for the International Trade Centre, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)/World Trade Organization (WTO), the support account for peacekeeping operations and the review of management and administration in the Registry of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).  Those draft decisions and resolutions will now be passed to the General Assembly for adoption.

All but one of the drafts –- that on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) -– were approved without a vote.

That draft was approved following two recorded votes.  The Committee decided to retain preambular paragraphs 4 and operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15 of the draft by a vote of 69 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with 40 abstentions (Annex I).  It then adopted the resolution as a whole by a recorded vote of 113 in favour to two against (Israel, United States), with no abstentions (Annex II).

By the text, the Assembly would again call on Israel to pay some $1.28 million resulting from the incident at Qana on 18 April 1996.  In addition

to authorizing the Secretary-General to enter into commitments in the amount of some $99.55 million gross for the maintenance of the Force from 1 July to 31 December 2001, it would also decide to appropriate some $6.02 million gross for the support account and $629,045 gross for the United Nations Logistics Base for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

For the United Nations Transitional Administration for East Timor (UNTAET), commitments in the amount of $282 million gross were approved for the maintenance of the Mission from 1 July to 31 December 2001.  (The annual UNTAET budget amounts to $563 million.)

By approving a draft resolution on the reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment and troop costs, the Assembly would decide to increase the standard rate of reimbursement for troop-contributing countries by 2 per cent effective 1 July 2001.  An additional 2 per cent increase would be effective as of 1 January 2002, bringing the total increase of the current rate of reimbursement for troop costs to 4 per cent.

The Committee’s work during this session was also highlighted by the elaboration of a consensus draft resolution on human resources management.  Negotiations on the 15-chapter text had been held over from the last resumed session when, following lengthy negotiations, it was felt that the magnitude and far-reaching implications of the issue demanded further consideration.  As approved, the draft includes sections on recruitment and placement; mobility; proposed amendment to staff rule 104.14; delegation of authority and accountability; composition of the Secretariat; administration of justice; and conditions of service.

The Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management, Rafiah Salim, said the approval of the draft resolution had been a vote of confidence in the Secretary-General’s vision -- to help create a more responsive United Nations through the better management of its major resource: its staff.  Indeed, the draft would gave the Organization a green light to proceed with the implementation of the reform programme that would enable the recruitment, development and management of staff to more effectively meet the many challenges it faced.

By that text, the Assembly would decide -- as a one-time exception -- to allow the movement of successful candidates from the General Service to the Professional category.  Noting the Secretary-General's efforts to align the G to P examination with the national competitive examination, it would further decide that recruitment of qualified staff from the General Service to the Professional category be limited to the P-1 and P-2 levels, and be permitted up to 10 per cent of the appointments at those levels.

Recognizing that the requirement for mobility is an essential element of the contractual status of staff, the draft would have the Assembly request the Secretary-General to develop criteria for mobility to maximize its benefits for the Organization, to ensure equitable treatment of all staff and to avoid its possible abuse as an instrument of coercion against staff, taking into account job security and factors such as an appropriate incentive scheme and assurances of onward assignment.

(page 1b follows)

Drafts were introduced by the representatives of Egypt, Botswana, Pakistan, Syria, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Canada, Ghana, India and Japan and by the Committee Chairman, Gert Rosenthal (Guatemala).

Also speaking during the day-long session were the representatives of the United States, Russian Federation, Sweden (on behalf of the European Union), Syria, Cuba, Pakistan, Algeria, Iraq, Canada (on behalf of Australia and New Zealand), the observer for Palestine, Iran (on behalf of the "Group of 77" developing countries and China), Japan, Australia (also on behalf of Canada and New Zealand), Lebanon, Israel, India, Egypt and the Philippines.

Making concluding remarks were the representatives of Denmark, on behalf of the Western and Other States Group, Ecuador, on behalf of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, Chile, on behalf of the Rio Group, and Namibia, on behalf of the Africa Group.  The representatives of Syria and Egypt, on behalf of the Arab Group, also spoke in closing.

The meeting, which started at 10 a.m. Friday and ended on Friday evening, is the Committee's last scheduled meeting for the fifty-fifth session of the General Assembly.

Session Round-up

During this resumed session, the Committee discussed a broad range of issues which addressed the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations.  The focus of much of its work was an in-depth review of the financing of the Organization’s peacekeeping operations, including the peacekeeping support account and the financial performance of peace missions.  To facilitate those deliberations, the Committee considered some 40 reports of the Secretary-General –- along with the relevant reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) -- on the efficiency, budgetary needs and functioning of those operations.

Opening the session, Advisory Committee Chairman Conrad S.M. Mselle informed delegations that resources for peacekeeping operations may increase by approximately 52 per cent this year as compared with the same period last year.  He added that by the time budget estimates were finalized for the period ending 30 June 2002, that increase could reach 76 per cent.  Mr. Mselle said changes aimed at streamlining budget preparation, as well as closer cooperation between Headquarters and field operations, had considerably improved the capacity of the General Assembly and the Fifth Committee to examine the peacekeeping budget in a more comprehensive manner.  But there was still room for more improvement, particularly strengthening the capacity of the Secretariat to recruit and place civilian personnel in missions in a timely manner.  Indeed, much of the unencumbered resources for peacekeeping were a result of high vacancies in civilian personnel.

As the Committee’s brief general debate began, many delegations expressed their strong commitment to the Organization’s peacekeeping operations.  Several representatives emphasized the global character of United Nations peace efforts, noting that in order to meet the myriad needs of those efforts, it was necessary to ensure that adequate structure and staffing were in place.  It was also felt that it was important to closely consider some of the multifaceted requirements faced by most peacekeeping missions, namely the restructuring of institutions, addressing human rights issue and the situation of children in armed conflict.

Several delegations from developing countries stressed that a major threat to future participation in peace missions was the heavy burden they faced because of delays in reimbursement for troop contributions.  Noting that the poorer countries now comprised the largest segment of the Organization’s troop contributors, other representatives said that payment of arrears by one of the United Nations largest financial contributors would help alleviate some of the burden their countries felt.  Most delegations believed that a recommendation by the ACABQ of an ad hoc proposal that would temporarily increase the monthly rate of reimbursement by some 4 to 6 per cent was insufficient.  And while determining the “cost of a soldier” had vexed Member States for years, any methodology for setting a reimbursement rate should be fair and equitable.  Many called on the Secretary-General to commission a panel of experts to settle the matter once and for all. 

Beyond addressing peacekeeping concerns, the Committee discussed management issues at the Registry of the International Court of Justice, the method of payment to States for contingent-owned equipment and proposed regulations for senior officials.  The Committee also reviewed the reports of the Board of Auditors and the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), as well as a report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS).  It approved its programme of work for the session and took note of the proposed agenda for 7 May to 1 June, and the status of documentation before it. 

The Committee also concluded its consideration of a multifaceted text on human resources management, which had been deferred from its first resumed session (13 March to 2 April).  At that time, the Committee had been informed that while strenuous efforts had been made during informals to reach consensus on a draft text on human resources management, many issues remained unresolved.  As they returned to the issue during the current session, delegations emphasized the importance of clarity in the formulation of human resources policies and procedures, consultations with staff representatives and establishing clear guidelines for the delegation of authority. 

Drafts before Committee

The Committee had before it a draft decision on the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) (document A/C.5/55/L.61).  By that text, the Assembly would note the OIOS report on the inspection of the consolidation of technical services in the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conference Services.  It would reiterate that the reports of the OIOS should be considered under the relevant agenda items of the agenda of the Assembly, in conformity with its rules and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Charter.

It also had before it a draft decision on the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU) on the delegation of authority for management of human and financial resources in the United Nations Secretariat (document A/C.5/55/L.62).  By that draft, the Assembly would welcome the relevant JIU report and take note of the Secretary-General’s comments thereon.  The Assembly would endorse the recommendations in the JIU report and would decide to consider the relevant report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) during the main part of its fifty-sixth session.

It had before it a draft resolution on the financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors (document A/C.5/55/L.63).  By that draft, the Assembly would accept the audited financial statements on United Nations peacekeeping operations for 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000 (see A/55/5, vol. 11, chap. V), and would endorse the recommendations of the Board of Auditors contained in its report.  The Assembly would take note of the observations and would endorse the recommendations of the ACABQ thereon.  It would further take note of the first report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board concerning peacekeeping operation for the period ending 30 June 2000.

Also by the text, the Assembly would request the Secretary-General to ensure the use of objective-setting by the administrations of peacekeeping missions, and would request that the development and attainment of those objectives were reported to the Assembly through mission financial performance reports.  It would request the Board of Auditors to monitor the process of the setting of objectives by missions measuring their effective use or otherwise, and report that information in its annual audit report on the financial statements of peacekeeping missions.  The Assembly would note with concern the late issuance of the Board’s report on peacekeeping operation, and would request that body and the Secretary-General to ensure its timely and simultaneous issuance in all six official languages.  

The Committee had before it a draft resolution on financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission and the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola (document A/C.5/55/L.64).  By that draft, the Assembly would decide that Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission shall be credited their respective share of the unspent balance of $967,600 gross ($116,200 net) from 1 July 1998 to 30 June 2000.  That balance comprises an unspent balance of $149,500 gross and additional requirements of $787,600 net from the period 1 July 1998 to 30 June 1999, and an unspent balance of $818,100 gross ($903,800 net) from the period 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000.

By the text, the Assembly would also decide that the share of the unspent balance of Member States that have not fulfilled their obligations to the Observer Mission shall be set off against their outstanding obligations, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 9 of the resolution. It would also request the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the liquidation of the Observer Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy.

The Committee was also expected to consider a draft resolution on financing of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) (document A/C.5/55/L.65). By that text the Assembly would authorize the Secretary-General to enter into commitments in the amount of $275 million gross ($273,375,000 net) for the maintenance of the Mission from 1 July to 31 December 2001.  It would further decide to appropriate some $16.63 million gross ($14.59 million net) for the support account and some $1.73 million gross (some $1.56 million net) for the Logistics Base, representing the prorated share of the Mission in the support account and Logistics Base requirements for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

Also by the text, the Assembly would decide that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations, there shall be set off against the apportionment their respective share of the unencumbered balance of some $2.45 million gross (some $2.33 million net) for the period ending 30 June 2000. It would also decide that for those Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, the share of the unencumbered balance shall be set off against their outstanding obligations. It would also endorse the recommendations contained in the report of the ACABQ and request the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation.

Also before the Committee was a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) (document A/C.5/55/L.66). By that text, the Assembly would decide to appropriate some $50.48 million gross ($46.71 million net) for the maintenance of the Mission for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.  That amount would include some $1.47 million gross (some $1.29 million net) for the support account and $154,339 gross ($138,596 net) for the Logistics Base, to be apportioned among Member States at a monthly rate of some $4.20 million gross (some $3.89 million net), subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission beyond 30 June 2001.

Further by the draft, the Assembly would decide, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, to set off against the apportionment their respective share of the unencumbered balance of some $2.91 million gross (some $2.31 million net) in respect of the period ending 30 June 2000.  For Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations, their share of the unencumbered balance shall be set off against their outstanding obligations.

The Committee was also expected to consider a draft resolution on financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA) (document A/C.5/55/L.67). By that text, the Assembly would take note of the status of contributions to MINURCA as at 30 April 2001, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of $36.7 million, representing 32 per cent of the total assessed contributions.  It would also note that some 44 per cent of Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urge all other Member States concerned, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions in full.

According to the text, the Assembly would decide that Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission shall be credited their respective share of the unspent balance of some $1.19 million gross ($1.15 million net) for the period ending 30 June 2000. It would also decide that for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, their share of that unspent balance for that period shall be set off against their outstanding obligations. The Assembly would endorse the recommendations contained in the report of the ACABQ and request the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation.  It would request the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the liquidation of the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy.

The Committee also considered a draft resolution on financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) (document A/C.5/55/L.68).  By that draft, the Assembly would decide to appropriate some $413.36 million gross (some $385.25 million net) for the maintenance of the Mission for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.  That amount would include some $12.09 million gross (some $10.61 million net) for the support account for peacekeeping operations and some $12.63 million gross (some $11.34 million net) for the Logistics Base, to be apportioned among Member States.

Further by the text, the Assembly would decide to set off against apportionment the respective share of the unencumbered balance of some $65.27 million gross (some $57 million net) for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission in respect of the period ending 30 June 2000.  It would also decide that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, their share of the unencumbered balance be set off against their outstanding obligations.

Also before the Committee was a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission (UNIKOM) (document A/C.5/55/L.69).  By that text, the Assembly would decide to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission some $52.81 million gross (some $50.47 million net) for the maintenance of the Mission for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.  That amount would include some $1.54 million gross (some $1.35 million net) for the support account and $161,475 gross ($145,003 net) for the Logistics Base. A two-thirds share of this amount, equivalent to some $33.652 million, is to be funded through voluntary contributions from the Government of Kuwait, subject to the review by the Security Council with regard to the question the Mission’s status.

The Committee had before it a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan (UNMOT) (document A/C.5/55/L.70).  By that draft the Assembly would decides to reduce the appropriation approved in General Assembly resolution 53/19 B of 8 June 1999 to some $16.37 million gross ($15.29 million net).  Also by the text, the Assembly would decide to set off against the apportionment of Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission their respective share of the unencumbered balance of some $2.41 million (some $2.18 million net) for the period ending 30 June 2000. It would further decide that for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations, their share of the unencumbered balance for that period shall be set off against their outstanding obligations.

The Committee also had before it a draft on the financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) (document A/C.5/55/L.71).  By that draft, the Assembly would decide to appropriate to the Special Account for the UNFICYP some $42.38 million gross (some $40.69 million net) for its maintenance for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.  That amount would include some $1.24 million gross (some $1.08 million net) for the support account and $129,599 gross ($116,379 net) for the Logistics Base, a one-third share of this amount, equivalent to some $13.56 million, funded through voluntary contributions from the Government of Cyprus, and $6.5 million from the Government of Greece, subject to the review by the Security Council with regard to the status of the Force.

The Committee had before it a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG) (document A/C.5/55/L.72).  By that text the Assembly would decide to appropriate to the Special Account for the UNOMIG some $27.89 million gross (some $26.17 million net) for its maintenance for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.  That amount would include $818,452 gross ($716,517 net) for the support account and $85,289 gross ($76, 589 net) for the Logistics Base.

The Committee also had before it a draft decision on the financing of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP) (document A/C.5/55/L.73), by whose terms the Assembly would take note of the report of the Secretary-General on the final disposition of the Force's assets and the related report of the Advisory Committee.  The Assembly would also approve the donation of observation towers and non-expendable equipment within the observation posts of the Government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. 

The Committee also had before it a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces Headquarters (UNPROFOR) (document A/C.5/55/L.74).  By the terms of the text, the Assembly would endorse the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee and request the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation.  In the light of the cash shortage of the combined Forces, it would decide to suspend -- for the immediate future -- the provisions of regulations 4.3, 4.4 and 5.2 (d) of the United Nations financial regulations regarding the remaining surplus of some $174.74 million gross (about $175.52 million net) to allow for reimbursements to troop contributors.  It would also request the Secretary-General to provide an updated report in one year.

Also before the Committee was a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH)(document A/C.5/55/L.75), by the terms of which the Assembly would take note of the status of contributions to the Mission as of 30 April 2001, including outstanding contributions of some $78.1 million, representing 9 per cent of the total assessed contributions from the Mission's inception to 21 June 2001.  The Assembly would also note that some 17 per cent of the Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full and would urge all other countries to ensure the payment of their outstanding assessed contributions.

Further according to the text, the Assembly would decide to appropriate some $144.67 million gross (about $135.73 million net) for the period 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, inclusive of $4.23 million gross (some $3.71 million net) for the support account and $442,327 gross ($397,207 net) for the Logistics Base, to be apportioned among Member States at a monthly rate of some $12.05 million gross (some $11.31 million net).  It would also take into account the scale of assessments for 2001 and 2002, as set out in General Assembly resolution 55/5 B of 23 December 2000, subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the Mission's mandate beyond 30 June 2001.

The Committee had before a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti (document A/C.5/55/L.76).  By the terms of the text, the Assembly would take note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti, the United Nations Transition Mission in Haiti and the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti as of 30 April 2001, including outstanding contributions of some $19.9 million, representing 22 per cent of the total assessed contributions from the inception of the Support Mission to 30 June 2000.  It would also note that some 65 per cent of the Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full and urge all other countries to ensure payment of their outstanding contributions in full.

The Assembly would also endorse the conclusions in the report of the Advisory Committee and request the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation.  It would note that the commitment authority of some $2.20 million gross (about $1.98 million net) authorized by the Advisory Committee under the terms of section IV of General Assembly resolution 49/233 A of 23 December 1994 was not utilized.  It would further decide to authorize the Secretary-General to utilize an amount of $164.2 million gross ($142.9 million net) from the resources provided for the period ending 30 June 2000 to meet the cost of completing the liquidation tasks at Headquarters.

The Assembly would further decide that for Member States that have not fulfilled their obligations to the Civilian Police Mission, their share of the remaining unencumbered balance shall be set off against their outstanding obligations.  It would also take note of the report of the Secretary-General on the final disposition of the assets of the Mission.

The Committee had before it a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) (document A/C.5/55/L.77).  By the terms of that text, the Assembly, expressing its deep concern that Israel had not complied with its resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227, 54/267 and 55/180, would once again stress that Israel should strictly abide by them.

Also by the draft, the Assembly would reiterate its request to the Secretary-General to ensure full implementation of relevant resolutions, stressing once again that Israel must pay some $1.28 million resulting from the incident at Qana on 18 April 1996, and request the Secretary-General to report on the matter to the Assembly at the main part of its fifty-sixth session.

The Assembly would also decide to reduce the appropriation provided by its resolutions 54/267 and 55/180 from some $233.6 million gross (about $228.2 million net) -- inclusive of some $6.97 million gross ($5.9 million net) for the support account and about $1.1 million gross ($969,161 net) for the Logistics Base -- for the maintenance and expansion of the Force for 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001, to some $207.15 million gross ($201.98 million net), inclusive of the amount of $6.97 million gross ($5.89 million net) for the support account and the amount of $1.1 million gross ($969,161 net) for the Logistics Base.

Further according to the text, the Assembly would decide to reduce the apportionment provided for the period 1 February to 30 June 2001 from some $97.3 million gross (about $95.1 million net) to $70.89 million gross ($68.87 million net), taking into account some $194.66 million gross ($190.16 million net) already apportioned for the period 1 July 2000 to 30 April 2001.

By the draft, the Assembly would authorize the Secretary-General to enter into commitments in the amount of $99.55 million gross ($97.56 net) for the maintenance of the Force for 1 July to 31 December 2001.  It would also decide to appropriate the amount of some $6.02 million gross (some $5.28 million net) for the support account and $629,045 gross ($564,879 net) for the Logistics Base, representing the prorated share of the Force in the support account and the Base requirements for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

The Assembly would also take note of additional requirements in the amount of $571,000 gross ($1.27 million net) for the operation of the Force for the period ending 30 June 2000.  It would authorize the Secretary-General to utilize credits in an equal amount arising from the cancellation of obligations pertaining to the same period to meet the additional requirements.

Also before the Committee was a draft decision on the outline of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 for the International Trade Centre United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)/World Trade Organization (WTO) (document A/C.5/55/L.78), by whose terms the Assembly would concur with the Advisory Committee's recommendations.

Also before the Committee was a draft decision on the scale of assessments for the apportionment of expenses of the United Nations (document A/C.5/55/L.79).  By the terms of the text, the Assembly would decide to defer consideration of the proposal for the re-establishment of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Implementation of the Principle of Capacity to Pay to the main part of its fifty-sixth session.

By the terms of the draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) (document A/C.5/55/L.80), the Assembly would take note of the status of contributions to the Mission as of 30 April 2001, including outstanding contributions of some $127.8 million, representing some 81 per cent of the total assessed contributions.  It would note that some 10 per cent of the Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full and urge all other countries to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions.

Also by the terms of the text, the Assembly would authorize the Secretary-General to enter into commitments of some $90 million gross ($88.93 million net) for the Mission for 1 July to 31 December 2001.  It would decide to appropriate the amount of some $5.44 million gross (some $4.77 million net) for the support account and $568,706 gross ($510,695 net) for the Logistics Base, representing the prorated share of the Mission in the support account and Logistics Base requirements for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

The Committee also had before it a draft resolution on the support account for peacekeeping operations (document A/C.5/55/L.81). By the text, the Assembly would decide to maintain for 1 July to 30 June 2002 the funding mechanism for the support account used from 1 July to 30 June 2001.  It would also decide to continue the 562 support account-funded temporary posts.  It would reaffirm the need for the Secretary-General to ensure that the delegation of authority to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and field missions is in strict compliance with relevant resolutions and decisions, as well as relevant rules and procedures of the Assembly. 

According to the text, the Assembly would also decide to apply the unspent balance of some $1.3 million from 1 July 1999 to 30 June, inclusive of $1.27 million in miscellaneous and interest income.  It would also prorate the balance of some $75.84 million gross (some $66.56 million net) among the individual active peacekeeping operations budgets, to meet the resources required for the support account from 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.  

The Assembly would request the Secretary-General to ensure a more consistent and balanced presentation of proposals for all the departments.  It would further request him, as a matter of urgency, to address the need for streamlining the contingent-owned equipment procedures, including processing claims and Memoranda of Understanding, and to strengthen the Finance Management and Support Service in the area of claims processing.  It would request the Secretary-General to submit to its fifty-sixth session concrete remedial proposals to adequately address the concerns raised in paragraph 15 of the ACABQ report. 

The Committee would also consider another draft on a Joint Inspection Unit report, on the review of management and administration in the Registry of the International Court of Justice (document A/C.5/55/L.82).  By that text, the Assembly would emphasize the importance of consistent, fair and transparent management of personnel, and the need for the introduction of an effective performance appraisal system for the staff of the Court, referred to in paragraph 85 of the JIU report.

Further by the text, the Assembly would invite the Court to review the need to amend its own staff rules in order to enable introduction and implementation of a performance appraisal system. As the problems in the management of the Court’s Registry have been, to a large extent, resolved, the Assembly would also note recommendations 1 and 7 in the JIU report, concerning research assistants and the post of a senior Administrative/Personnel Officer in the Registry.  It would request the ACABQ to consider the matter and make such recommendations as it deems appropriate in the context of the Secretary-General’s  proposed programme budget for 2002-2003, for decision at its fifty-sixth session.

By the terms of a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) (document A/C.5/55/L.83) the Assembly would take note of the status of contributions to the MONUC as of 30 April 2001, including outstanding contributions of some $32.7 million, representing some 16 per cent of the total assessed contributions.  It would also note that some 64 per cent of Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full and urge all others to ensure the payment of their outstanding assessed contributions.

Further according to the draft, the Assembly would decide to appropriate to the Special Account for the Mission some $58.68 million gross ($58.44 million net) as previously authorized and apportioned by the Assembly for the Mission's operation from 6 August 1999 to 30 June 2000.  It would decide to appropriate some $232.12 million gross ($229.1 million net) for the maintenance of the Mission for 1 July 2000 to 30 June 2001, including some $141.32 million gross ($140.83 million net) previously authorized by the Assembly and some $49.86 million gross ($49.53 million net) authorized by the Advisory Committee under the terms of section IV of General Assembly resolution 49/233 A.  It would  authorize the Secretary-General to enter into additional commitments for the Mission for the same period in an amount not exceeding $41 million gross and net.

The Assembly would further decide, taking into account some $141.32 million gross ($140.83 million net) already apportioned, to apportion an additional $83.23 million gross ($80.9 million net) for 1 July 2000 to 15 June 2001 among Member States.  It would decide also to apportion some $7.56 million gross ($7.35 million net) for 15 to 30 June 2001, subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the Mission beyond 15 June 2001. It would decide to offset some $3.41 million of the unspent balance ($3.61 million net) for the period ending 30 June 2000 against Member State obligations.  It would decide to appropriate for 1 July to 31 December 2001 some $200 million gross (about $194.82 million net) to be apportioned at the monthly rate of $33.3 million gross ($32.5 million net), subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the Mission beyond 30 June 2001.

The Assembly also had before it a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) (document A/C.5/55/L.84).  By its terms, the Assembly -- concerned that surplus balances in the Special Account for the Force have been used to meet expenses to compensate for lack of income resulting from Member States' non-payment and late payment and bearing in mind reported hardships incurred by local staff upon relocation of the Force's headquarters from Damascus to Camp Faouar, and welcoming efforts made to address them -- would note that some of the concerns regarding the improvement of local staff working conditions in the Force have been addressed.

The Assembly would reaffirm its request that the Secretary-General continue to improve the working conditions of the local staff, including by making allowance for difficulties resulting from the relocation of the headquarters of the Force from Damascus to Camp Faouar, through mutual and fruitful dialogue. According to the draft, the Assembly would endorse the recommendations contained in paragraphs 8 and 26 of the ACABQ's report, and request the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation.

It would decide to appropriate to the Special Account for the Force some $35.68 million gross (some $34.79 million net) for the maintenance of the Force for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002, inclusive of some $1.044 million gross ($916,696 net) for the support account and $109,117 gross ($97,986 net) for the Logistics Base. It would also decide to apportion that amount among Member States at a monthly rate of some $2.97 million gross (some $2.89 million net), subject to the decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force.

The Committee also had before it a draft resolution on the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) (document A/C.5/55/l.85) on the investigation into the award of a fresh rations contract in a United Nations peacekeeping mission, among other things.  The draft also includes the report of the OIOS on the audit of the management service and ration contracts in peacekeeping missions, as well as that body’s report on the management audit of the United Nations civilian police operations. By the terms of the draft, the Assembly would reiterate that reports of the Office should be considered under the relevant items of the agenda of the Assembly in conformity with its rules of procedure and the provisions of the Charter. 

Also before the Committee was a draft resolution on the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Office of the Internal Oversight Services (document A/C.5/55/L.86) by whose text the Assembly would consider various reports of the OIOS and would decide to defer consideration of the Secretary-General’s report on enhancing the internal oversight mechanisms in operational funds and programmes to its fifty-sixth session, and would request the Secretary-General to  seek updated view for the funds and programmes on that report and to transmit them to the Assembly at the main part of its next session.  It would also decide to defer consideration of the sixth annual report of the OIOS covering the activities for the period 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000 to its fifty-sixth session.

The Committee also had before it a draft resolution on human resources management (document A/C.5/55/L.87).  The draft resolution, which had been deferred from the Committee's first resumed session, includes sections on: principles and role of the Office of Human Resources Management; human resources planning; contractual arrangements; recruitment and placement; mobility; proposed amendment to staff rule 104.14; delegation of authority and accountability; streamlined rules and procedures; consultants; composition of the Secretariat; administration of justice; conditions of service; competencies, performance management and career development; status of women in the Secretariat and reports of the Office of Internal Oversight Services.

Regarding contractual arrangements, by the terms of the draft the Assembly would decide to revert to the issue at its 57th session.  It would request the Secretary-General to submit definitive proposals spelling out the differences between existing and proposed types of appointments for the Assembly's consideration.

On recruitment and placement, the Assembly would endorse the recommendations of the Advisory Committee in paragraphs 8 to 11 of Annex VIII of its report, subject to the provisions of the present resolution.  It would request the Secretary-General to ensure that the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity serve as the paramount consideration in employing staff, with due regard to the principle of equitable geographical distribution.  It would reiterate that all external vacancy announcements should be submitted to the Permanent Missions of Member States and be displayed on the notice boards in United Nations premises as well as posted on the United Nations home page.  It would further decide that they should be circulated on the date of issue and that the deadline for submission of applications be at least two months from the date of issue.  For unplanned vacancies, the Secretary-General may reduce the deadline for applications for external vacancies to 30 days if he thinks it is in the Organization's best interests. 

The Assembly would also request the Secretary-General to circulate internal vacancy announcements to permanent missions, and to issue a monthly bulletin electronically that will encompass all Professional and General Service vacancies in the Organization, including peacekeeping operations, without prejudice to traditional means of disseminating announcements.  While giving fullest regard to candidates with requisite qualifications already in the United Nations service, the Assembly would reaffirm that the Secretary-General may consider external candidates for posts at the P-4 level.

Emphasizing the need to increase the number of staff recruited from unrepresented and under-represented Member States, the Secretary-General would be asked to reduce the level of unrepresentation and under-representation of Member States.  In that regard, he would also be asked to develop a programme and set specific targets for achieving equitable geographical representation, bearing in mind the need to increase the number of staff recruited from Member States below the mid-point of their desirable ranges.  While filling vacant posts in language services, the Assembly would request him to ensure the highest performance of translation and interpretation in all six official languages. 

Reaffirming that the national competitive examination programme is a useful tool for selecting the best-qualified candidates from inadequately represented Member States, the Assembly would request the Secretary-General to continue to hold examinations for posts subject to geographical distribution at the P-2 and -- if necessary -- P-3 levels.  It would further request him to offer probationary appointments to all staff members who have passed a competitive recruitment examination.  Such staff members should be considered for conversion to permanent appointment after successful completion of probationary service.  It would regret that some programme managers are still reluctant to recruit candidates selected through national competitive examinations, leaving many P-2 posts vacant, and would request the Secretary-General to take concrete measures to expeditiously fill those posts from the existing roster of successful candidates.

Urging that the Secretary-General comply with the principle that appointment to P-2 posts and to posts requiring special language competence for Conference Services be made exclusively through competitive examinations, it would request that he include in future reports information justifying non-compliance with that principle. Reaffirming the policy that P-3 level appointments be made through competitive examinations, the Secretary-General would be asked to ensure candidates selected through the national competitive examination process be placed in a timely fashion, and that effort be made to recruit candidates from the roster against existing vacancies until rosters are cleared.

By further terms of the draft, while regretting that provisions of General Assembly resolution 53/221 were not fully complied with, which led to candidates from over-represented countries taking the February 2000 G to P examination, the Assembly would decide -- as a one-time exception -- to allow the movement of successful candidates from the General Service to the Professional category.  Noting the Secretary-General's efforts to align the G to P examination with the national competitive examination, it would further decide that recruitment of qualified staff from the General Service to the Professional category be limited to the P-1 and P-2 levels, and be permitted up to 10 per cent of the appointments at those levels.

The Assembly would emphasize the need for systematic rejuvenation of the Secretariat and for retaining younger Professional staff.  It would reaffirm that secondment from government service is consistent with the Charter and is beneficial to both the Organization and Member States.  The Secretary-General would be urged to pursue the practice on a wider scale.  It would reiterate also that recruitment, appointment and promotion of staff be made without distinction to race, sex or religion, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and the United Nations Staff regulations and rules.

Noting paragraphs 62 to 66 of his report on the composition of the Secretariat, the Assembly would request the Secretary-General to conduct an inspection through the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the possible discrimination due to nationality, race, sex, religion and language in the areas of recruitment, promotion and placement and report to the Assembly at its next session.

Recognizing that the requirement for mobility is an essential element of the contractual status of staff, the Assembly would request the Secretary-General to further develop criteria for mobility to maximize its benefits for the Organization, to ensure equitable treatment of all staff and to avoid its possible abuse as an instrument of coercion against staff, taking into account job security and factors such as an appropriate incentive scheme and assurances of onward assignment.

The Assembly would also request the International Civil Service Commission to conduct a comprehensive review on mobility and its implications on career development and to report to it at its fifty-seventh session.  The Assembly would note the difference between mobility within and across duty stations, and would consider mobility across duty stations a more important factor in career development.  It would request the Secretary-General to further develop appropriate mechanisms for promotion, with a view to introducing adequate incentives for mobility between duty stations.  He would also be asked to ensure that mobility does not negatively affect continuity and quality of service.  The Assembly would stress that mobility should not lead to the transfer or abolition of posts as a result of vacancy, and request proposals from the Secretary-General to solve problems resulting from increasing staff mobility. 

The Assembly would further decide to approve the proposed amendment to staff rule 104.14, subject to, among other things, that central review bodies review the recruitment process for compliance with pre-approved selection criteria and offer recommendations. Where those recommendations are not in line with those of the relevant manager, it will transmit its recommendations to the Secretary-General for a final decision.

By the terms of the draft, the Assembly would endorse the recommendations of the Advisory Committee in its report on accountability and responsibility and on management irregularities.  It would emphasize that the administrative and managerial discretionary powers of the Secretary-General should be in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Charter and the Assembly's staff, financial and programme planning regulations and mandates.   Taking into account the central role of the Office of Human Resources Management, the Assembly would also emphasize that any delegation of authority should entail clear lines of authority and accountability as well as improvements in the administration of justice.

Recalling a previous request to enhance managerial accountability with respect to human resources management decisions, including imposing sanctions in cases of demonstrated staff mismanagement and wilful neglect of established rules, it would urge the Secretary-General to continue to seek improvements in that area.  Moreover, the Secretary-General would be requested to improve accountability and responsibility in the reform of human resources management as well as monitoring and control mechanisms.  The Assembly would decide to consider a robust monitoring capacity in the Office of Human Resources Management for monitoring all relevant Secretariat activities, regardless of the source of funding, and to ask the Secretary-General to provide the Assembly at its next session with an analytical report thereon.

By the terms of the text, the Assembly would decide to consider the question of the use of consultants and individual contractors at its next session.  It would also request the ACABQ to report to it at the main part of the fifty-sixth session.

Noting that posts subject to geographical distribution had decreased from 3,350 to the current 2,600, and bearing in mind the newly adopted scales of assessment, which will have direct bearing on the desirable ranges currently being followed, the Assembly would reaffirm that no post should be considered the exclusive preserve of any Member State or group of States, including at the highest levels.  It would request the Secretary-General to ensure that, as a general rule, no national of a Member State succeeds a national of that State in a senior post and that there is no monopoly on senior posts.  It would request the Secretary-General to ensure equitable representation of Member States at the senior and policy-making levels, especially those with inadequate representation, in particular developing countries.  It would further request the Secretary-General to undertake a study on the ramifications of changing the relative weights of the population factor from the current level of 5 per cent, the membership factor (from 40 per cent) and the contribution factor (from 55 per cent).

By further terms of the text, the Assembly would decide to include the administration of justice on the agenda of its next session and note that the present system is both slow and cumbersome.  It would welcome the Secretary-General's proposal to establish a function of Ombudsman. 

The Assembly would request the Secretary-General to review the role of the Joint Appeals Board, taking into account four options, including its changing nature from an advisory body to a semi-judicial body with decision-taking power. Another option would be the current nature of the Board with several changes.  They include members representing staff be elected solely by staff, with prejudice to the right of the Secretary-General to appoint members representing administration; jointly selecting chairpersons and examining the need for a full-time chair; the current power of the Board to suspend action on a contested decision and limiting to three months the time for the Board to produce its recommendations from the receipt of the application.

By further provisions of the text, the Assembly would welcome the Secretary-General's intention to organize basic legal training courses for new members of the Board and the Joint Disciplinary Committees.  It would also take note of the ACABQ's observations that there is a gap between the administration of justice and the system of accountability when the decisions of the Administrative Tribunal result in losses to the Organization due to management irregularities.  The Secretary-General would be asked to take urgent measures to recover financial losses caused to the Organization by wrongful actions or gross negligence of senior United Nations officials. 

The Assembly would endorse the recommendation of the Advisory Committee that a competitive package of conditions of service is a pre-requisite for successful achievement of human resources management reform goals and request the Secretary-General to transmit to the ICSC the recommendations having direct impact on the United Nations common system.  It would also request the Secretary-General to study the implications of fixing the mandatory separation age for staff members appointed prior to 1 January 1990 to the current age of 62.

Also according to the draft, the Assembly would emphasize the necessity for the United Nations to develop a culture of continuous learning.  It would stress the role of the United Nations Staff College as an institution for system-wide knowledge management and training for United Nations staff, aimed, in particular, at the areas of economic and social development, peace and security and internal management.  It would agree with the Secretary-General's goal to create a fair and measurable performance management system and underline the importance of creating a comprehensive career development system. 

The Committee also had before it a draft decision on the proposed regulations governing the status, basic rights and duties of officials other than Secretariat officials and experts on mission and regulations governing the status, basic rights and duties of the Secretary-General (document A/C.5/55/L.88).  By the terms of that draft, the Assembly would decide to defer consideration of the report of the Secretary-General on the proposed regulations governing the status, basic rights and duties of officials other than Secretariat officials and experts on mission and regulations governing the status, basic rights and duties of the Secretary-General to its fifty-sixth session.

Also before the Committee was a draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration for East Timor (UNTAET) (document A/C.5/55/L.89).  By the text of that draft, the Assembly would authorize the Secretary-General to enter into commitments in the amount of $282 million gross (some $273.02 million net) for the maintenance of the mission from 1 July to 31 December 2001.  It would decide to appropriate some $17.02 million gross (some $14.94 million net) for the support account and some $1.77 million gross (some 41.59 million net) for the Logistics Base, representing the prorated share of the Mission in the support account and the Base for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

Further by the text, the Assembly would decide that the scale of assessments for 2001 to be applied against the amount apportioned to Member States is some $8.51 million gross (some $7.47 million net) for the support account and some $8.89 million gross (some $7.98 million net) for the Logistics Base for 1 July to 31 December 2001.  It would further decide that the scale of assessments for 2002 to be applied against the balance, that is some $8.51 million gross (some $7.47 million net) for the support account and some $48.89 million gross (some $7.98 million net) for the Logistics Base for 1 January to 30 June 2002.

Also before the Committee was a draft on financing the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy (document A/C.5/55/L.90) by the text of which the Assembly would take of the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the Base, and would endorse the observations and recommendations in the report of the ACABQ.  Further by the text, the Assembly would approve the cost estimate of the Base, some $8.98 million gross (some $8.17 million net) for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002.

Also by the text, the Assembly would decide to apply the unencumbered balance of $430,500 in respect of the period 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000, the interest of the income of $289,000 and miscellaneous income of $340,000 (some $1.05 million in total) to the resources requires for 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002. It would further decide to prorate the balance of some $7.92 million gross (some $7.11 million net) among the individual active peace operation budgets to meet the financing requirements of the Base for the same period.  It would authorize the Secretary-General to provide for a civilian establishment consisting of 10 Professional, 13 Field Service and 83 locally recruited staff.

The Committee had before it a draft decision on disability and death benefits (document A/C.5/55/L.91) by which the Assembly would note the note of the Secretary-General on death and disability benefits (document A/C.5/55/40 and Corr.1) and the report of the ACABQ thereon (document A/55/883).

The Committee had before it a draft resolution on experiences learned from the use of resident auditors at peacekeeping missions (document A/C.5/55/L.92), by whose text the Assembly would take note of the report of the Secretary-General (document A/55/735) and would endorse the observations and the recommendations of the ACABQ thereon (document A/55/828). 

Also before the Committee was a draft decision on action taken on certain documents (document A/C.5/55/L.93), by which the Assembly would decide to defer consideration of the following documents until its fifty-sixth session: (a) the report of the Secretary-General on progress in the implementation of the field assets control system (document A/55/845); (b) the note by the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on young professionals in selected organizations of the United Nations system: recruitment, management and retention (document A/55/798), and the Secretary-General’s comments thereon (document A/55/798/Add.1); and (c) the report of the Secretary-General on the participation of United Nations Volunteers in peacekeeping operations (document A/55/697).

The Committee also had before it a draft resolution on reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment and troop costs (document A/C.5/55/L.94), by whose text the Assembly would decide, on an interim and ad hoc basis, to increase the standard rate of reimbursement for troop contributing countries by 2 per cent, effective 1 July 2001. It also decided that an ad hoc increase of 2 per cent would be effective as of 1 January 2002, bringing the total increase of the current rate of reimbursement for troop costs to 4 per cent.  The Assembly would further decide that a future standard rate of reimbursement should be based on new survey data which was representative of the costs incurred by around 60 per cent of countries which have contributed troops to peace operations.

Further by the text, the Assembly, recognizing the need for providing specific guidance on the methodology of reimbursement for troop costs, would request the Secretary-General to present at its next session a methodology for reimbursement for troop costs, covering troops and formed police units and a questionnaire to be submitted to troop-contributing countries.  Also by the text, the Assembly would recognize that the delay and uncertainty in reimbursements of troop and contingent-owned equipment costs adversely impacts on the ability of current and potential troop contributors to effectively participate in United Nations peace operations.  It would therefore emphasize the need for all Member States to pay their assessed contributions to all peace operations in full, on time and without preconditions.

The Committee also had before it a note by the Secretary-General on the support account for peacekeeping operations; financing of the United Nations Logistics Base in Brindisi, Italy (document A/C.5/55/43*).  That report, reissued for technical reasons, sets out in its annex the amounts to be apportioned in respect of each peacekeeping mission, including the prorated share of the support account and of the Logistics Base.  The report requests the Committee to take note of those amounts.

      Action on Texts before Committee

Turning to the draft resolution on financial reports and audited financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors, AYMAN EL GAMMAL (Egypt) introduced the draft, saying that the Committee had been able to reach consensus on the text. 

The Committee then approved the draft without a vote.

The Committee next turned its attention to the draft decision on the report of the OIOS on the inspection of the technical support services in the Department of General Assembly Affairs and Conferences Services. 

Introducing the text, COLLEN VIXEN KELAPILE (Botswana) said that the draft had been agreed upon by consensus during informal consultations.  He recommended that the Committee adopt it in like manner.

The Committee approved the draft decision without a vote.

The Committee then took up the draft decision on the delegation of authority for management of human and financial resources in the United Nations.  AIZAZ CHAUDHRY (Pakistan) introduced the draft, saying that it had enjoyed consensus among all Member States.

Acting without a vote, the Committee approved the draft decision.

The Committee then turned to the draft decision on the proposed regulations governing the status, basic rights and duties of United Nations senior officials.

The representative of Syria thanked the Chairman for his wise guidance of the Committee’s work during the session.  On the proposed regulations, he said he was satisfied with the approach taken to apply the Secretary-General’s report.  He noted, however, that the Chairman of the ACABQ had not addressed the regulations dealing with those officials. Did that mean that there had been acceptance?  Turning to the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC), he said that issue had been dealt with in the past.  Regarding the International Law Commission, he endorsed the view that article 2 be amended, so that activities carried out as a part of official missions should be reviewed, taking into account the fact that most officials of that Committee work in public education and governmental institutions.  All the comments made agreed with that position. 

Regarding the JIU, he agreed that related statutes should not be applied, as the JIU was an external group not responsible to legal bodies.  It must remain an independent body.  He endorsed the JIU’s position.  He was also satisfied with the position taken by the Secretary-General in the report.  He endorsed what was said in paragraph 19 but did not endorse the provision in paragraph 20, which dealt with the possibility of exempting experts on mission from the proposed regulations.  He noted that implementation of the proposed regulations for the JIU and ICSC was a question for consideration by the General Assembly.

The CHAIRMAN said that the Committee had taken note of his statement and would transmit his question to the Chairman of the ACABQ.

The Committee then approved the draft without a vote.

The Committee next turned its attention to the draft decision on the outline for the proposed programme budget for the 2002-2003 biennium for the International Trade Centre/UNCTAD/WTO.

The Committee approved the draft without a vote.

The representative of the United States expressed the position that the decision was being made by Member States without prejudice to the decision to be taken later this year by all Member States on the Organization’s overall budget.

The Committee then turned to the draft resolution on the review of management and administration in the Registry of the ICJ. 

Mr. KELAPILE (Botswana) introduced the draft.  He said that the text was agreed upon by consensus, and he recommended the same action in the Committee.  In achieving such a consensus, the Committee would have recommended that the General Assembly note that many problems identified by the JIU in its review had to a large extent been resolved.

Acting without a vote, the Committee approved the draft.

The Committee then turned to the draft decision on the scale of expenses for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations.

The Committee approved the draft decision, again without a vote.

Turning to the draft resolution on the activities of the OIOS, Mr. KELAPILE (Botswana) first drew the Committee’s attention to a minor correction in the text in operative paragraph 1.  He then introduced the draft. 

He said the text included five reports of the OIOS, covering its activities from 1 July 1995 to 30 June 2000.  The draft resolution was agreed upon by members of the Committee following lengthy consultations.  While the draft might look like another list of Fifth Committee reports, explaining the background and energy invested in it would make for a long story.  It was unfortunate that such a backlog of reports could have stayed on the Committee’s agenda for five years.  Oversight was a collective responsibility.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The representative of the United States expressed his appreciation for the long hours of extensive consultations and the many frustrations involved in bringing the resolution to fruition.  The action taken by the Committee represented a major advance in its consideration of oversight reports.  He was disappointed that the latest OIOS annual report had not been included in the draft resolution.  Nevertheless, he looked forward to speedy action on it and also to discussing the issue of oversight in the funds and programmes. 

The representative of Russia thanked the Coordinator of the item.  The consultations had been complex and lengthy.  The questions raised had a long history.  It had not been a simple task.  Without Mr. Kelapile’s desire to ensure successful negotiations on the text, it would not have been able to reach a consensus decision.

The representative of Sweden, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said it was with great satisfaction that the Committee took action on the long list of reports.  Despite serious concerns, many delegations had shown great flexibility.  It was the understanding of the Union when joining consensus on the draft resolution that future reports would be in accordance with that resolution.  He offered special thanks to Mr. Kelapile and congratulated him on the truly cooperative effort he had demonstrated.

The representative of Syria extended his thanks to Mr. Kelapile for his patience in trying to reach common understanding.  He wished to record his appreciation for the Coordinator’s efforts.  As for the OIOS reports, he had shown much flexibility to forget the past and to start afresh on new foundations.  He hoped that the same mistakes would not be repeated in future.  He also noted the flexibility shown by other delegations, in particular, his colleague from Sweden. 

The representative of Cuba expressed special thanks to Mr. Kelapile for his patience in trying to reach a solution which had unfortunately remained elusive for five years.  She was pleased that the Coordinator had been able to bring about convergence of views.  The basic concern on the issue related to the fact that the Assembly had to play its rightful role in decision-making on questions relating to OIOS that required it to act.  It was important to make best use of what had been done by the OIOS.   She was grateful that at last, the different delegations concerned had displayed the needed flexibility to find a solution to the issue.

The representative of Pakistan also expressed his appreciation that the resolution had been approved.  The work of OIOS was important.  The Assembly’s expectation that the Office would work within General Assembly guidelines was reasonable.  The solution was good and progressive.  He hoped that future reports would be in accordance with provisions of General Assembly resolutions.  He thanked Mr. Kelapile for steering the deliberations in a patient manner.

The representative of Algeria also thanked Mr. Kelapile.  With the adoption of the draft resolution, he hoped that errors would not be repeated.

The representative of Iraq expressed his thanks to Mr. Kelapile and his efforts to reach consensus between his delegation and the Office.

The Committee then turned its attention to the administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of peacekeeping operations.

The CHAIRMAN noted that the Committee had before it a report of the Secretary-General (document A/C.5/55/43) on the pro-rated share of the Support Account and the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, which contained the amounts to be apportioned to each peacekeeping mission for its consideration.

The Committee first turned to the draft resolution on the support account for peacekeeping operations.  MICHIEL CROM (Netherlands) introduced the text, saying that it had been approved in informal consultations by consensus.  He thanked all delegations for their constructive participation.

Acting without a vote, the Committee approved the draft.

The representative of Sweden, speaking on behalf of the European Union, expressed his esteem for the way in which Mr. Crom had conducted the informal consultations.  He also noted that in the session, the lack of specific budget presentations had made it difficult for the respective financial authorities to plan the evolution of expenditures in peacekeeping as well as to address past expenditures.  He hoped that in the future, the proper peacekeeping budget cycle would be respected.

The representative of Syria said that on paragraph 10 of the draft, he had joined consensus on the understanding that that paragraph would not prejudice the substance and presentation of the budget, and that it would not represent a prejudgement of future reports made on the Brahimi Panel report. 

The representative of Canada, speaking also on behalf of Australia and New Zealand (CANZ), thanked Mr. Crom for his coordination of the item.  Future peacekeeping budgets would use the results-based budgeting format, beginning with the next budget cycle.  With the expansion of peacekeeping operations, it was imperative to have adequate support at Headquarters for those operations.  He recalled the statement made on 8 May in which he had requested a schedule of forthcoming peacekeeping bills.  He asked the Secretariat to help Member States to pay their assessments in full and on time.  With so many missions and mandate periods, it was difficult to determine when peacekeeping assessments would be sent.  He requested that the Contributions Section prepare a schedule to be sent to all missions that would indicate the anticipated timing of peacekeeping assessments during the next financial period.

Turning to the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, ANNE MERCHANT (Norway) introduced the draft resolution.  She said that agreement by consensus on the item had been possible within a short period of time.

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The representative of India said that he had wished to address the Committee on the question of the support account.  He placed on record his appreciation to Mr. Crom for the way in which he had conducted informal consultations.  He stressed the need for the Secretariat to take immediate action in implementation of operative paragraph 12 in the draft resolution pertaining to strengthening the claims section in the FMSS.  He had highlighted his concerns in informal consultations that posts earlier approved to strengthen the claims section had been relocated elsewhere, resulting in unacceptable backlogs in the claims section that had adversely affected several troop-contributing countries.  He hoped that concrete remedial proposals to strengthen the claims section in the FMSS be submitted by the Secretariat on an immediate basis -- as outlined in paragraph 12 adopted in the resolution -- to the General Assembly at its fifty-sixth session.

      The Committee then turned to the draft decision on the reports of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping missions.  Mr. KELAPILE (Botswana) introduced that text, and recommended that the Committee approve the draft decision without a vote.

The Committee approved the draft decision without a vote.

The representative of Cuba said that paragraph b of the draft reiterated the provision that reports of the Office be considered under relevant items of the Assembly’s agenda.  The provision should be followed up by the Secretariat.  She hoped that Member States would be informed of deliberations if they occurred within other intergovernmental bodies on relevant issues.

      The Committee then took up the draft resolution on experiences learned from the use of resident auditors at peacekeeping missions.

JOHN ORR (Canada) introduced that text.  He thanked all delegations and recommended that the Committee adopt the text without a vote.

The Committee then approved the text without a vote.

The representative of Syria thanked Mr. Orr.  His delegation had joined the consensus in light of explanations given by the Secretariat of the OIOS that the decision would not have any financial implications.  Also, he had joined the consensus in light of paragraph 6 of the ACABQ’s report, which recommended an appropriate mechanism in which resident auditors did not stay at one mission for more than two years. 

Turning to the draft decision on the progress made in clearing the backlog of claims for incidents, EDUARDO RAMOS (Portugal) introduced that text and recommended that the decision be approved without a vote.

The Committee approved the draft decision without a vote.

BOCK CHENG YEO, Director of the Peacekeeping Financing Division, drew the Committee’s attention to document A/C.5/55/43, which had been reissued for technical reasons.  The information note was always issued late in the session because of the Assembly’s earlier decision that the cost of the Brindisi Logistics Base and the support account be appropriated as part of the resolutions, hence the need to calculate their proration. 

Table A of the document provided an indication of how they had prorated.  The 2000-2001 levels had been used as a basis for prorating to ensure fair distribution among missions.  Table B provided a snapshot of appropriations, inclusive of the support account and Brindisi.  A computer error had offset the figures shown by a dollar in some cases.  He would, nevertheless, provide the Committee with correct figures in the course of the meeting. 

The Chairman suggested that the Committee take note of the document.

The Committee then turned its attention to the draft resolution on the financing of UNAVEM and the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola.  As the Coordinator for the item was not present, the Chairman said that there would not be a formal introduction of the draft resolution.

The Committee approved that text without a vote.

Next on the agenda was the draft resolution on the financing of UNIKOM.

LESLIE KOJO CHRISTIAN (Ghana) introduced that draft and proposed that the text be approved without a vote.

Acting without a vote, the Committee approved the draft.

The Committee then turned to the financing of UNAMSIL. 

Mr. YEO took the floor to read out corrections to preambular paragraph 4 of the text.

The draft resolution was approved by the Committee without a vote.

      Turning to the financing of UNMIK, Ms. MERCHANT introduced the draft resolution.

The Committee approved the draft without a vote.

      Next it turned to the draft resolution on the financing of UNTAET. 

Introducing the draft, Dr. CHANDRA said that it was one item that had taken only 10 minutes to conclude.  He thanked all delegations for their help.  The draft resolution had been approved by consensus.  He recommended that the Committee do likewise. 

On another subject, he proposed that instead of filling in the missing figures in every peacekeeping resolution, and given the fact that there were 15 more items for consideration of the Committee, the document issued by the Secretariat containing the details of apportionment of the figures for the United Nations Logistic Base should be subsequently appended to the draft documents before their conversion to resolution form.  This would save valuable time. 

Mr. YEO said it was a brilliant idea and that he was happy for that suggestion. 

The Committee agreed to proceed in that manner.

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The Committee then turned its attention to the draft resolution on the financing of MINURSO.

The Committee approved it without a vote.

      Turning to the financing of UNMOT, SINICHI YAMANAKA (Japan) introduced the draft resolution.  He said the draft was approved by consensus in informal consultations.  He thanked delegates and recommended that the Committee do likewise.

The Committee approved the text without a vote.

The Committee then turned its attention to a draft decision on UNPREDEP.  Dr. CHANDRA introduced the draft decision.

It was approved without a vote.

The Committee then turned to the draft resolution on the financing of UNIFIL. 

The CHAIRMAN reminded the Committee that the representative of Iran, on behalf of the Group of 77 developing countries and China, had introduced the draft resolution in a previous meeting.  At that time, he had orally revised operative paragraphs 22 and 24 of the text.

The observer for Palestine, speaking on behalf of the Arab Group, expressed appreciation to the Secretary-General for the reports and the explanations provided on the financing of UNIFIL.  The General Assembly had said that Israel should shoulder all expenses incurrend by the aggression on 18 April 1996 against UNIFIL headquarters.  Those expenses amounted to some $1.3 million.  The General Assembly also asked the Secretary-General to take all necessary measures to ensure that Israel fully implemented General Assembly resolutions and submit a report thereon at its resumed fifty-fifth session.  Israel had not yet carried out General Assembly resolutions requesting that it pay the approved compensation.  The amount had been reintroduced in the list of amounts owed to UNIFIL.  The Arab Group requested that paragraphs dealing with the Qana incident be introduced in the draft resolution.  She was concerned that Israel had not carried out its commitments.  She called upon the international community to adopt, once again, the resolution with all its amendments indicating that Israel bear responsibility for its deliberate aggression at Qana. 

The representative of Iran introduced a correction to the Spanish version of the text. 

The CHAIRMAN said that as the Committee had not reached consensus on operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15, it would be necessary to vote. 

The representative of the United States said that it had requested a recorded vote on preambular paragraph 4 and operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15.

The Committee decided to retain preambular paragraphs 4 and operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15 of the draft by a vote of 69 in favour to 2 against (Israel, United States), with 40 abstentions (see Annex I).

The representative of the United States said it was clear that his delegation supported UNIFIL and its important mission.  But he also believed that the focus of the pure funding resolution before the Committee had been broken by the insertion of political language.  He called for a recorded vote on the resolution as a whole.

Before the vote, the representative of Saudi Arabia introduced a technical correction to the Arabic text of the draft.

The Committee then adopted the resolution by a recorded vote of 113 in favour to two against (Israel, United States), with no abstentions (see Annex II).

Statements In Explanation of Vote after Vote

The representative of Japan said that his delegation joined in the adoption of the draft in furtherance of international responsibility as a Member State.  He expressed deep regret that consensus had not been reached and a vote had been taken.

The representative of Australia, speaking on behalf of New Zealand and Canada, said he was pleased that the resolution provided for the financial and budgetary needs of the Mission.  He was concerned however, at the insertion of language that was “regrettable” for a resolution whose aim should be purely based on financing.  That language indeed undermined the long-standing principles of United Nations policy on international obligations and collective responsibility.  He noted that only 20 per cent of Member States had fulfilled their financial obligations to UNIFIL, and called on those that had not to do so as soon as possible.

The representative of Sweden, on behalf of the European Union, said the financing of the Organization’s peacekeeping operations should continue to be of a collective nature.  His delegation had abstained in the vote on specific paragraphs of the draft, as they were inconsistent with the nature of financing peacekeeping missions.  As in past years, he added, he would have wished consultations in the Fifth Committee could have been confined to budgetary issues.

The representative of Lebanon said the resolution before the Committee had not mentioned anything political and only referred to financial issues for an amount of money specified by the Secretary-General to address the damage that had been sustained by UNIFIL.  If delegations supporting the resolution had wanted to insert political implications into the text, they could have suggested compensation to Lebanon itself, or to the civilians who had been harmed in the 1996 attack on Qana.  The compensation requested in the draft was to be apportioned to the United Nations, he added. 

On the principle of collective responsibility, he agreed with previous speakers that the cost of peacekeeping operations must be assumed collectively.  But in this context, did that mean any country could deliberately bombard a United Nations headquarters and then, evoking the principle of collective responsibility, ask other countries to share in the payment for the damages it had deliberately caused.  That was clearly in contradiction of the Charter as well as of basic international law.  He drew the attention of the Committee to the fact that countries that committed aggression were required to provide compensation for that aggression.

The representative of Syria, concurring with the statements of the observer for Palestine and the representatives of Iran and Lebanon, said his country fully supported the efforts of UNIFIL.  He also commended the efforts of the staff of the Mission.  He had hoped a consensus would have been reached on the resolution, but because of incorrect assumptions by an aggressor State, some believed that the Committee’s work, as expressed in the text, had been politicized.  He agreed with Lebanon that an aggressor should pay for the damages caused by its deliberate actions.  He eagerly awaited the implementation of the resolution by the Assembly.

The representative of Israel said he had thought the Committee could refrain from making any political statements today, and that he was disappointed that this had not been the case.  Since his delegation had heard about aggression from aggressors, he would associate his statement with those of Australia, Japan, United States and Sweden (on behalf of the European Union) on the issue of collective responsibility and the need to refrain from inserting political language in purely financial texts.  Israel would make an official statement on the issue when the draft was taken up by the Assembly.

After hearing an update from the Rapporteur EDUARDO RAMOS (Portugal) on the ongoing negotiations on the draft on reform procedures for reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment, in which he noted that while the four working sessions had made significant progress but that there were still a few

outstanding issues, the Chairman decided to suspend the meeting so that members could continue their negotiations.

When the meeting was resumed, the Committee turned to the financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces headquarters.

The Committee, acting without a vote, approved the draft resolution.

The representative of Sweden, speaking on behalf of the European Union in explanation of position, said the Union had stated that peacekeeping was a core function of the Organization.  In that sense, it had joined the consensus.   It was unfortunate that Member States did not pay their contributions, which might result in troop-contributing countries not being reimbursed.  That could further contribute to the already difficult financial situation of Organization and jeopardize the financial situation of peacekeeping operations.  The Union fully supported such operations and joined the consensus on that understanding. 

Turning next to the draft resolution on the financing of UNFICYP, Mr. YAMANAKA (Japan) introduced the draft resolution. 

Acting without a vote, the Committee approved the text.

      The Committee then turned to the draft resolution on the financing of UNOMIG.  Mr. YAMANAKA (Japan) introduced the draft resolution and recommended that it also be approved without a vote.

The Committee approved the draft text without a vote.

Next, the Committee took up the draft resolution on the financing of UNMIBH and the Chairman asked if the Committee would object to its approval. 

The Committee then approved the draft without a vote.

The Committee turned to the draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti, the United Nations Transition Mission in Haiti and the United Nations Civilian Police Mission in Haiti.  The Chairman submitted it to the Committee for its consideration.

The Committee approved the draft without a vote.

Turning next to the draft resolution on the financing of MINURCA, Mr. CHRISTIAN (Ghana) introduced the draft.  He said the text had been agreed upon after brief informal consultations, and proposed that it be adopted without a vote.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

      Next on the agenda was the draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Mr. KELAPILE (Botswana) introduced the draft, saying that the draft was agreed upon by consensus in informal consultations.

Acting without a vote, the Committee then approved the text.

The Committee turned its attention to the draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea.  Mr. KELAPILE (Botswana) introduced the draft.

The Committee approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The Committee took up the draft resolution on human resources management. 

Mr. CHAUDHRY (Pakistan) introduced the draft and read out last-minute corrections to the text.  While most of the changes were editorial, some were substantive.

The first substantive change had been made in section 4, paragraphs 16 and 17, on the G to P examination.  The other changes were editorial only, and too numerous to read out.

He said that after informal consultations, they had reached consensus on the text.  The draft contained 15 chapters and dealt with Human Resources reform measures and other issues of far-reaching importance.  Two significant issues that had consumed much time were contractual arrangements and the administration of justice.  They had also been able to negotiate on other important elements, such as mobility. 

Under the issue of recruitment and placement, they had been able to resolve the long-standing issue of the G to P examination.  The agreement achieved a delicate balance, reflecting all the views expressed.  The language agreed upon settled the issue of the 2000 examination and the question of definition itself.  It provided for the recruitment of qualified staff against 10 per cent of appointments, which would be done as per the existing practice.  While those words did not appear in the text, it was the understanding made clear and agreed upon in informal consultations.

He said that he had witnessed a remarkable spirit of understanding.  The issues were difficult, with far-reaching implications.  The net product was worth the effort.  It was clearly worded with no gray areas.  The clarity would not have been possible without the representatives of the Office of Human Resources Management.  The able leadership of Ms. Salim and her team was always there to help.

He recommended that the draft resolution, as orally amended, be approved by the Committee without a vote.

The CHAIRMAN said it was an important draft resolution.  He thanked the Coordinator, Mr. Chaudhry, for his personal intervention in the negotiations. 

The representative of Japan welcomed the draft before the Committee and commended the work of all the negotiating partners.  He said the Organization should use the draft to improve its recruitment practices, particularly as regarded geographical distribution within the Secretariat.  He hoped that the Human Resources Action Plan would be implemented as soon as possible, and requested that the Secretary-General pursue implementation of geographical distribution initiatives.

His delegation also noted the G to P arrangements contained in the draft and believed that if the Organization were to develop and retain staff, mobility was of the utmost importance.  Indeed, staff must be provided with the opportunity to develop their careers.  He requested the Secretary-General to promote mobility within the Secretariat in accordance with the current resolution.  He added that the promotion process was particularly slow and cumbersome, and he therefore requested that the Secretary-General make the objective of filling vacancies within 120 days a reality.

The representative of Libya said his delegation was of the understanding that the draft that would be adopted today would be aligned with what had been agreed on Wednesday 23 May during informals.  He hoped the correct version would be presented to the Assembly.  While there had been disagreement on some issues, that had not spoiled the spirit of the deliberations.  He thanked all the parties that had participated in the negotiations on the text.

The CHAIRMAN assured Libya that the correct version of the draft would be delivered to the Assembly.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution without a vote.

The representative of Iran said consensus on this important item could not have been possible without the constructive participation and flexibility of all delegations.  It proved their dedication to providing the Assembly with a tool with which to effect true reform of the Organization’s human resources policy.  He added that well-disciplined methods of accountability were a prerequisite for any human resources policy to be effective.  His delegation would also follow closely the implementation of the section on the administration of justice.

The representative of Sweden, speaking on behalf of the European Union, said that his delegation would make a full statement before the General Assembly.  He welcomed the hard work of the negotiating parties.

The representative of the Philippines said that her delegation had expressed its desire to be flexible throughout the negotiations.  The draft would give due recognition to the merit, competence and efficiency of the Organization’s most important resource: its staff.  She was pleased to see that the issue had been appropriately considered.  She was also pleased to see that the mechanism for upward movement had remained in place.  She acknowledged the excellent work of the coordinator in guiding the negotiations to a successful conclusion.

The representative of India said it must be a matter of satisfaction that the human rights reform package of the Secretary-General had been approved by the Committee.  Indeed it would ensure the continuance of the highest standards of efficiency, competence and integrity.  One of the most important end results would be the eventual shortening of the recruitment time to 120 days.

On paragraph 17 of part IV of the draft on recruitment and placement, he was heartened to see that existing practice would continue although it was not explicit in the language.  He further hoped that paragraph 16 would be read in conjunction with 17.  He also stressed the importance of chapter 11 of the draft on the administration of justice, particularly operative paragraphs that appeared to close the gap between the United Nations Administrative Tribunal and the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO.  Indeed that had been a crucial decision.  Overall, he was delighted to see the resolution being adopted today.

The representative of Libya said that on delegation of authority (section 7 of the draft), it was his understanding that the Secretary-General’s report would be submitted early enough for consideration in the first part of the fifty-sixth session of the Assembly, so as to provide it with a comprehensive review of the monitoring policies of the Office of Human Resource Management.

RAFIAH SALIM, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management, said the approval of the draft resolution this evening had been a vote of confidence in the Secretary-General’s vision.  The programme the Committee had affirmed would help the United Nations become more responsive to the mandates entrusted to it by Member States through the better management of its major resource: its staff.  She said that members had arrived at a consensus text through an arduous review and evaluation process.  Through it all, she had been particularly struck by the cooperative and supportive spirit that prevailed.  There was no doubt that the negotiating partners had been driven by a fundamental and commonly held desire to move forward.

She went on to say that the draft gave the Organization a green light to proceed with the implementation of the reform programme that would enable the recruitment, development and management of staff in a more effective way to meet the many challenges faced by the Organization.  Among other things, managers would be able to make final selection of their own staff, and staff movement across functions, occupations, departments and duty stations would be facilitated.  In implementing those changes, the Secretariat would be mindful of the wishes of the Committee for accountability, for proper monitoring and control of the manner in which delegated authority was exercised.

She said that she was very grateful that the decision had maintained the G to P examination, a matter that was very dear to her.  She was also glad that the draft welcomed the proposal of the Secretary-General to establish the function of Ombudsman, which would go a long way towards building a culture of increased trust. She said that the Committee’s success had been due in no small part to the stewardship of its unflappable coordinator of the item, Mr. Chowdhry.  The Office of Human Resources Management would do its level best to make sure that the decision of the Assembly and the spirit in which it was reached was upheld.  With the support of the Committee, her Office would continue to build a new management culture.

The Committee then turned its attention to the draft decision on the review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations. 

The Committee approved the text without a vote.

The representative of Sweden said that although they had not been able to conclude consideration of the item, he hoped that it would be concluded in the next session.

The representative of Syria wished to make good use of the time by speaking under “other matters”.  On the question of documentation, the representative of Iran had noted that documents were often late and sometimes contained technical errors.  Some late documents carried a date from one month earlier, yet delegations had one week to correct errors.  He hoped that his message would be carried to Conference Services.  The rules of procedure said that resolutions must be distributed within 15 days.  However, some resolutions from the Assembly’s main session had not yet been distributed.

He also referred to the fact that documents should not be placed on the Internet before being distributed to Member States.  Some committees placed documents on the Internet before distributing them.  Resolution 55/222 was clear on that point.  He hoped to have a statistical study on the matter so that such imbalances could be overcome.

Regarding the issue he had raised at the last resumed session, namely the legal opinion of "takes note of”, it was important that the matter be dealt with openly and clearly, so that the entire Organization would be clear on the use of the term when dealing with reports of the Secretary-General.  The Committee should benefit from the presence of a representative of the Office of Legal Affairs at the fifty-sixth session to continue the discussion on the matter.  He did not want to give the impression that silence on the matter meant acceptance of the note which the Committee had received thereon from the Office of Legal Affairs.

The representative of Egypt hoped that the advance copy of the draft resolution would be submitted to the coordinator on the item before publication, so that he could make certain that the text was correct. 

The representative of Pakistan said that Syria’s statement was worthy of the Committee’s consideration.  He was referring to the legal opinion rendered by the Legal Counsel at the Committee’s request.  According to that opinion, the General Assembly, when it “took note of” a report, merely took cognizance that the report had been presented.  It did not express approval or disapproval.  In absence of further comments, taking note constituted authorization of a course of action.  That had serious implications.  The term was used in all six committees and all other United Nations organs.  The issue must be looked at in the light of a decision taken at the thirty-fourth session of the General Assembly.  The time had come for the Committee to seriously discuss the issue.  To him, the term “taking note of” had been a neutral term and did not mean approval.  The opinion given by the Legal Counsel stated that Member States should, in any event, express their intent when adopting a decision.  He endorsed the request that the matter be placed on the agenda of the fifty-sixth session and that it be discussed in the presence of a representative from Legal Affairs.

The CHAIRMAN said that the concern still existed on that matter.  Consequently, it was his intention not to wait until the fifty-sixth session but to get reaction from Legal Affairs before the fifty-fifth session had concluded.  On the question of documentation, it must be said that the volume of paper had been daunting.  Multiplying that volume by six, taking into account all official languages, the Committee was obliged to compete with other committees for the time and assistance of editorial staff.  The proportion of documents arriving in good time in all languages was certainly quite high.

      The Committee next turned to the draft resolution on the reform of procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment.  Mr. RAMOS (Portugal) introduced the draft, saying the draft had been agreed upon by consensus.

The representative of India requested that the Coordinator check his record, specifically regarding operative paragraph 10, and see whether reference to 1 July 2001 was approved.  His recollection was that 1 July 2001 had not appeared.  In operative paragraph 11, he requested that the word “additional” be added between the fourth and fifth words.

The representative of Egypt said that he had the same understanding.  The sentence should read, “an additional 2 per cent increase on an interim and ad hoc basis”.

Mr. RAMOS (Portugal) said that according to his records the reference to 1 July 2001 should be kept.  In paragraph 11, however, “ad hoc” should be replaced by “additional”.

Acting without a vote, the Committee then approved the draft resolution.

Turning to the financing of the UNDOF, the CHAIRMAN said that the text before them had been agreed upon in informal consultations.  In the absence of the Coordinator of the item, the Chairman introduced the draft text.

The representative of Syria said the penultimate paragraph of the preamble and operative paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 noted the difficulty facing UNDOF local staff.  The General Assembly had referred to those hardships in its fifty-third session and took action, in the fifty-fourth session, to address those concerns.  With due respect to the efforts made so far, their concerns had not been fully addressed.  In the last session, the General Assembly adopted a concept to address concerns.  However, that concept had not been implemented by the Secretariat.  He wished to confirm that General Assembly resolutions were addressed to the Secretary-General.  He should guarantee that those concerns were addressed.   Certain Secretariat Divisions and Departments incorrectly interpreted the function and mandates of the Assembly.  They assumed that resolutions could be interrupted by them and implemented at their discretion.  That was his impression, and he expressed his strong reservations in that regard.  Because of non-implementation, the Committee had once again to submit a clear-cut formulation that requested the Secretary-General to take specific measures to guarantee the full implementation of questions.  It was his understanding that the question, in particular the allowances referred in paragraph 3, should be treated in a comprehensive way.  General Assembly mandates could not be subject to interpretation but to implementation.  He hoped that the Secretariat would spare no effort to apply both letter and spirit of the resolution without delay.  He also noted some errors in the Arabic version of the text.

Noting that corrections must be made to the Arabic text, the CHAIRMAN asked the representative of Syria if he would be willing to join in the consensus on the text.

The representative of Syria said he had no objection.  He had simply wished to explain that for the second consecutive session the Secretariat had been asked to implement the resolution.  The Secretariat must fully respect General Assembly mandates.

The Committee then approved the draft resolution, without a vote.

The CHAIRMAN said it had been a long day.  He thanked the Secretariat for its support and the members for their spirit of camaraderie.  Looking back to September, the Committee had worked hard. 

The representative of the Philippines, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group, expressed her sincere appreciation for the Chairman’s hard work which had resulted in a highly productive session.

The representative of Denmark, speaking on behalf of the Western European and Other States Group, also expressed appreciation for the Chairman’s hard work and achievements.

The representative of Ecuador, speaking on behalf of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, said it was a great pleasure that one its most respected representatives had chaired the session. 

The representative of Chile, speaking on behalf of the Rio Group of countries, thanked the Chairman for his generosity in accepting the chairmanship.  Multilaterialism seemed to run in his blood.  He had very brilliantly chaired the meeting.

The representative of Namibia, speaking on behalf of the Africa Group, said that two milestone resolutions had been adopted under the Chairman’s stewardship, including the review of the regular and peacekeeping scales of assessment.  The success achieved in adopting them were due to his personal intervention.  Another milestone was on the resolution on the reform of human resources management.  

The representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the Arab States, expressed his appreciation for the role the Chairman had played and his wise leadership in the work of the Committee.

The representative of Syria expressed his full appreciation for the way in which the Chairman had steered the work of the Committee.

(annexes follow)


Vote on financing of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

Preambular paragraph 4 and operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15 of the draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) (document A/C.5/55/L.77), were approved by a recorded vote of 69 in favour to 2 against, with 40 abstentions, as follows:

In favour:  Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen.

Against:  Israel, United States.

Abstaining:  Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Uruguay.

Absent:  Afghanistan, Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Barbados, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Federated States of Micronesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iraq, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Tajikistan, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zimbabwe.



Vote on financing of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

The draft resolution on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) (document A/C.5/55/L.77) was approved by a recorded vote of 113 in favour to 2 against, with no abstentions, as follows:

In favour:  Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia.

Against:  Israel, United States.

Abstaining:  None.

Absent:  Afghanistan, Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Barbados, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Cote d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominica, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Federated States of Micronesia, Gambia, Georgia, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Republic of Moldova, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Tajikistan, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Yugoslavia, Zimbabwe.

* *** *

For information media. Not an official record.