In progress at UNHQ










                                                      13 December 2001






E-Government, Information and Communications

Technologies in Public Sector Management:  Conclusion and Recommendations



      NEW YORK, 13 December (DESA) -- The Third Caribbean Regional Ministerial Consultation and High-Level Workshop on E-Government, Information and Communication Technologies in Public Sector Management was held in Montego Bay, Jamaica, from 11 to 13 December 2001.  The event was co-organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) with the sponsorship of the Government of Italy.

      Ministers and high-level officials from some 15 Caribbean Countries, as well as representatives from international organizations and donor countries, had the opportunity to gather together to discuss experiences, perspectives and challenges for the Region on e-government issues.  K.D. Knight, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of the Government of Jamaica, opened the meeting.  Mario Baccini, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Government of Italy, participated in the consultation and delivered an introductory statement at the opening ceremony.  Guido Bertucci, Director of the Division for Public Economics and Public Administration, made a presentation on behalf of DESA.  The keynote address setting the framework for this gathering was delivered by Philip Paulwell, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Technology of the Government of Jamaica.


      The participants recognized that e-government holds considerable potential to foster democracy and development in the region.  When properly introduced, e-government can increase citizens’ participation in public affairs; facilitate access to information; enable the conduct of business; increase transparency and accountability in the public sector; and improve the delivery of services and people’s quality of life.


      Consensus emerged that, in order to be successful, e-government initiatives need a firm commitment of local, national and regional leaders, as well as a long-term, comprehensive strategic vision as opposed to fragmented approaches.


      E-government programmes should be an integral part of national international criminal tribunal (ICT) strategies, which in turn should be aligned with overall national plans for poverty reduction and economic and social development.




                                    - 2 -             Press Release DEV/2357

                                                      13 December 2001



      The introduction of e-government requires that citizens have reliable access to the appropriate infrastructure at affordable cost.  To ensure a successful process, governments should therefore continue telecommunications liberalization and the establishment of proper regulatory frameworks that favour competition within a coherent regional approach, as well as the introduction of community access to e-services.


      Participants recognized that even though the situation for e-government development might be different from country to country in the region, there is ample space for regional cooperation and for benefiting from economies of scale, within the context of Caribbean regional integration.


      They considered that while programmes and national projects have been successful, there is a need to exchange experiences and expertise across the Caribbean region as a whole.  This exchange of experience is considered beneficial not only between Caribbean States but also through worldwide international cooperation.


      CARICAD should play a pivotal role as enabler for the sharing of experiences and knowledge, training, coordination and the provision of clearing-house services within the Caribbean region with the assistance of the United Nations and its Global On-Line Network in Public Administration and Finance.


      With a view to facilitating the development of e-government programmes in the region, the participants recommended the following:


      The establishment of a working group of Caribbean countries assisted by CARICAD, DESA and the Government of Italy, responsible for developing common guidelines for policy development, a regional e-government strategy and specific capacity-building and training initiatives.  The working group will also be responsible for the evaluation of e-government project proposals for the mobilization of financial resources, and act as observatory for ICT development in the Region.


      The organization of a Fourth Ministerial Regional Consultation, under the sponsorship of the Government of Italy, to review the recommendations of the working group and address specific applications of great interest to the region for disaster prevention and management.


      Expressions of recognition were extended by all participants to the Government of Jamaica for its warm hospitality during the Ministerial Regional Consultation, to the Government of Italy for its continuous financial support and commitment to the Caribbean region, and to DESA and CARICAD for their role as enablers and co-organizers of this event.


      Further information on this meeting can be retrieved from or obtained from Mr. G. Bertucci, Director, DPEPA/UNDESA:

For information media. Not an official record.