In progress at UNHQ



15 September 2000

Press Release



The Department of Public Information, in association with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Peace Day Committee, will hold two special events at United Nations Headquarters to mark the Millennium Peace Day on Tuesday, 19 September.

First, about 250 students from several schools in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut will hear from Nane Annan, wife of Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Nohora Puyana de Pastrana, First Lady of Colombia, and Betty Williams, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize Winner. They will then take part in an art workshop with Mexican artist Jacqueline Ripstein. In addition, Tarsha Vega, a young recording artist from New York, will be present to perform.

The children will also take part in a ceremony in which they will raise flags of all United Nations Member States and express support for United Nations peace efforts worldwide.

The second event, scheduled to take place on the plaza at the Visitors’ Entrance, will bring the children and other participants together with representatives of non-governmental organizations and members of the public in an open-air ceremony. Children from Brazil, Colombia, India, France and Algeria will be present to deliver over 50 million signatures they have collected in support of the “Culture of Peace” manifesto of UNESCO. Harri Holkeri, President of the fifty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly, will formally receive the signatures. Among those joining Mr. Holkeri on the podium will be Anthony Garotinho, Governor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The event will also be attended by representatives of the “Cloth of Many Colours”. The members of this international peace campaign have created a several-mile-long banner with peace quilts collected from around the world. The group, which will be led by James Twyman, will display the quilt on the United Nations plaza and later present a piece of the quilt to the United Nations. Mr. Twyman will also sing several songs.

Another participant in the event will be Peace Boat, a Japan-based non-governmental organization active in peace and human rights education. The group will present a special dance performance on the theme of the culture of peace.

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The day’s event will be rounded off by “Colours of Peace”, an internationally acclaimed children’s ensemble from Colombia. The group will be accompanied by Nohora Puyana de Pastrana, First Lady of Colombia.

The International Day of Peace, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, is observed on the opening day of the General Assembly, which traditionally begins on the third Tuesday of September. This year the Assembly commenced on 5 September, with the historic Millennium Summit taking place from 6 to 8 September. This year’s Millennium Peace Day, held on the third Tuesday of September, commemorates the ideals of peace and celebrates the successful conclusion of the Millennium Summit.

For further information call 212-963-7708; for media accreditation call (212) 963-6934.

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For information media. Not an official record.