The Secretary-General arrived in Iran on Sunday morning, 18 June. He first met with Iranian Foreign Minister, Kamal Kharrazi. They reviewed Lebanon's complaints about Israeli encroachments on Lebanese soil, and the Secretary-General expressed his belief that these problems would be resolved. He pointed out that now that he had confirmed Israel's withdrawal, any encroachment would be reported by United Nations troops to the Secretary-General, the Security Council and the world.
Their talks also focused on the emerging political, economic and social role in Lebanon for Hezbollah, the political transition taking place in Syria, peace efforts in Afghanistan and the drought in that country, which has complicated efforts to control the illicit drug trade.
The Secretary-General then met with Iran's President, Seyed Mohammad Khatami, and with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khameini. The Foreign Minister hosted a lunch for the Secretary-General before he departed for Egypt in the afternoon.