Press Release
20000118This afternoon the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations continued to review groups applications for consultative status in the Economic and Social Council, and also considered requests for reclassification by those groups that already had been granted consultative status.
The 19-member Committee makes recommendations to the Council on applications for status and for reclassification of non-governmental organizations using a variety of criteria, including the applicants mandates, governance and financial regimes. Non-governmental organizations with consultative status are either general, special or roster status, with different privileges and obligations accorded to each. Those with general status can propose items for the Councils agenda, attend and speak at meetings and circulate statements of a certain length. Those with special status can attend meetings and circulate statements of a certain length, while those on the roster can attend meetings. Also, organizations with general and special status must submit reports every four years on their activities in support of the United Nations.
As it considered new applications, the Committee decided to recommend general consultative status for the United Nations Association of China. It recommended special consultative status for Endeavour Forum and the International Centre for Study and Development.
Until receipt of further information, the Committee left pending its decision on four new applications: Hong Kong Federation of Women; Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning; the National Council of Women of Thailand; and the National Opinion Research Center.
When it turned to requests for reclassification, the Committee recommended moving the following groups from special to general status: Asia Crime Prevention Foundation; Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Sanstha; and International Scientific and Educational Znanie Association.
Also, it recommended reclassifying the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church and the World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education from the roster to the special category. It decided to leave pending its decision on the request by the Commission of Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches to be reclassified from special to the general category.
Committee on NGOs - 2 - Press Release NGO/321 718th Meeting (PM) 18 January 2000
The Committee recommended against reclassifying the World Society for the Protection of Animals, although they praised the organizations work and expressed appreciation for its efforts in their own countries. Their decision was based primarily on questions about whether the Society fit the guidelines of Council resolution 1996/31, regarding the concerns for organizations with general status and whether the organization would benefit from reclassification. Irelands representative said the categories related to how technical and specific an organization was and did not reflect a hierarchy. The special category was comprehensive and powerful, she stressed.
The representative of the World Society for the Protection of Animals said his groups focus on domestic and wild animals was multi-faceted and extended to human needs. Much of its work focused on education and promoting respect for all forms of life. Working with governments, civil society and United Nations bodies, the Society found that its projects were increasing and its work was relevant at meetings of diverse non-governmental organizations. General status, which had been obtained by other animal organizations, could enhance the Societys ability to liaison and negotiate with governments and offer its services, he stressed.
The Committee recommended reclassifying the status of the World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education after it requested and received -- in the course of the meeting -- written confirmation that the organization would respect United Nations terminology. That submission followed a lengthy exchange during which China reminded the organizations representative that it should conform to the practices of the United Nations, and that Taiwan must be referred to as Taiwan, Province of China.
The representative of the organization said his group had no borders of race, politics or geographical region and tried to foster national pride, freedom of expression and self-worth in all who participated in its programmes. Chinas representative said that while his delegation had no other objections to the organizations application or its working methods, Chinas sovereignty over Taiwan must be respected and correct terminology used. The United States representative stated in the United Nations, only one China was recognized -- the Peoples Republic of China -- and that Taiwan should not be listed as a separate entity.
Prior to deciding to reclassify the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, delegates questioned whether the Foundations work was broad enough to meet the requirements of Council resolution 1996/31, which states that organizations accorded general category status must be concerned with most of the activities of the Economic and Social Council and its subsidiary bodies. The Foundations representative explained that, despite its name, the group focused holistically on social health, with activities in areas including environmental protection, improving the urban environment, the fight against corruption and the prevention of trafficking in human beings. Its activities covered the full range of Council concerns.
The representatives of Japan, Pakistan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Turkey, Tunisia, Cuba, India, Russian Federation, Chile, Senegal and Algeria also spoke, and the Committee heard from representatives of International Scientific and Educational Zhanie Association and Bochasanwasi Shri Akashar Purushottam Santha.
The Committee will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday, 19 January, to continue its work. * *** *